IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Standard Stars

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A Complete UV Atlas of Standard Stars

Chi-Chao Wu, Jinger Mo, D. Michael Crenshaw

* Observations * Data Reduction * Catalogues and Spectra * Acknowledgment *

Digital stellar atlases play an important role in astronomy. They provide the basic data needed for studies such as peculiar stars, composite systems (multiple systems, stellar clusters, and galaxies), automated spectral classification, testing of model stellar atmospheres, and interstellar or circumstellar extinction by dust. There are several atlases containing optical spectra obtained by modern detectors (Jacoby, Hunter & Christian 1984, Pickles 1985, and Silva & Cornell 1992). Together, these atlases contain good quality stellar spectra that cover the range 3500-9000 Å, at resolutions of 4-11 Å.

For many years, the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) Observatory had generously granted us telescope time to build such an atlas in the UV. The three installments of the UV stellar spectral atlas are given in Wu et al. (1983,1991,1997). Wu et al. (1992) further provides the archival data for stars, clusters, and galaxies which are not given in the above installments.

This site delivers the final products of the Complete UV Atlas of Standard Stars Project. It provides the IUE NEWSIPS (New Spectral Image Processing System) MXLO (Low-Dispersion Merged Extracted Image FITS File) spectra (graphics and wavelength-flux table) of 514 stars, grouped in the following two new atlases.

last updated: Feb. 29, 2000