IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Standard Stars
Computer Sciences Corporation |

This page gives some basic information associated with the 476 standard
stars, including the HD number,
star name, spectral type and luminous class, reference key number
for spectral_type and the luminous_class, RA (Right Ascension) and
Dec (Delination), V magnitue, remarks, B-V, and E(B-V).
For each star, an UV spectra page can be accessed through the HD number or
the star name in the atlas page. The spectra page provides the informaton
of the IUE observations and the outputs of the IUE data processing.
The outputs include spectral plots and the w_f tables for each
observation. A weighted combined spectrum is made for each camera,
if two or more observations are available for the object or the mxlo
is a double (large and small) aperture image.
Columns Description
Cloumn |
Units |
Explanations |
HD |
HD number |
Name |
name of the star |
Sp_Type |
spectral type |
Ref |
key to data source for spectral type |
RA |
hh:mm:ss |
right ascension (1950.0) |
dd:mm:ss |
declination (1950.0) |
V |
mag |
V magnitude |
Remarks |
remarks on duplicity / variability |
B-V |
mag |
B-V colour index |
E(B-V) |
mag |
color excess on B-V |
Reference Sources of Spectral Type
- The spectral type in this page is assembled from various sources. The
column Ref indicates the key number to the data source for the spectral type.
Those reference sources are listed in Table 2.
Key Number |
Peference Source |
1 |
Morgan and Keenan 1973 |
2 |
Johnson and Morgan 1953 |
3 |
Walborn 1982 |
4 |
Walborn 1973 |
5 |
Walborn 1972 |
6 |
Lesh 1968 |
7 |
Lesh 1972 |
8 |
Garrison, Hiltner and Schild 1977 |
9 |
Morgan, Code and Whitford 1955 |
10 |
Cowley, Clwley, Jaschek and Jaschek 1969 |
11 |
Keenan and Pitts 1980 |
12 |
Keenan and Pitts 1981 |
13 |
Jaschek 1980 |
14 |
Buscombe 1984 |
15 |
Hoffleit 1982 |
16 |
O'Connell 1973 |
Star Coordiates: RA & DEC
- The RA and DEC are retrieved from the
SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) Star Catalog
Photometric Data
- The source of the photometric data are taken from the
Catalogue of Mean UBV Data on Stars, an on-line catalog from
J.-C. Mermilliod and M. Mermilliod, 1998.
In the column Remarks, following the notation of the UBV catalog,
an "A" indicates that the star has a close neighbor and that the V magnitude
is only for the brighter component. On the other hand, an "AB" indicates
that the V magnitude is the combined brightness of the both components.
The column E(B-V) is observed B-V (in column 9) minus the intrinsic
B-V from FitzGerald (1970). The E(B-V) values assume that the intrinsic
B-V's for higher luminosity O stars are the same as main sequence stars
of the same spectral type. The computations of E(B-V) for spectral types
and luminosity classes, which have no intrinsic B-V in FitzGerald, used
interpolated values of B-V.
UV Spectra
This section presents the Graphics and Flux Tables of the
UV spectra of the IUE Standard Stars, the outputs of the data processing
from the
MXLO data.
The star information, appeared on the page top, is transferred from the
Atlas Page.
For each observation, the output of the data processing
includes a pair of spectral graphics (a gif file and a ps file)
and a w_f (wavelength_flux) text table. Users can access these
files by pointing to any of the (gif), (ps) or (w_f) files.
Description of the MXLO Image Log
Image : camera(LWR/LWP/SWP) plus image sequence number
* (gif) - graphics of mxlo spectrum in GIF format
* (ps) - graphics of mxlo spectrum in PostScript format
* (ps) - graphics style (color, line style, and marker)
MXLO Data |
Large Aperture Spectra |
Small Aperture Spectra |
Spectra |
Black Solid Line |
Violet Dashed Line |
Bad Data Points |
Red Cross |
Blue Asterisk |
(w_f) - mxlo wavelength_flux table in ASCII text format
* w : wavelength
* fL : flux of large aperture image
* qL : DQF for large aperture image
* fS : flux of small aperture image
Ap : aperture (Large/Small)
N : number/T
* number - the number of exposure along
the major axis of the large aperture
* T - trail mode observation
Exp : exposure time in
E/C/B : DN (Data Number)
level of E/C/B, comment by Resident Astronomer of the IUE observatory
* E - maximum Emission
* C - maximum Continuum
* B - mean Background
Combined Image
Single Aperture Exprosure & Double Aperture Exprosure
* Single Aperture Exprosure :
A weighted combined spectrum is given for each camera, if two or more
Large aperture images are available. The weighting factor is the
total exposure time.
* Double Aperture Exprosure :
Description of the Combined Image Log
* (gif) - combined spectrum in GIF format
* (ps) - combined spectrum in PostScript format
* (w_f) - combined wavelength_flux table in ASCII text format
Table Column |
Single Aperture Spectra |
Double Aperture Spectra |
wavelength |
w |
w |
flux (of combined spectra) |
fcomb |
fLSc |
DQF (of combined spectra) |
qcomb |
qLSc |
The ps graphics have the same wavelength range and scale as
those in The IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlases, published in
the NASA NEWLETTER No.22, 1983 and No.43, 1993. Users may browse and/or
print the ps file from Netscape Navigator directly.
Users may use GSview as a PostScript files viewer under
* OS/2
* MS-Windows 3.1/Win32s
* MS-Windows 95/98
* MS-Windows NT
* IBM WebExplorer
* NCSA Mosaic
* Netscape Navigator
* Internet Explorer
For the double aperture spectra, a scaled image for small aperture
image is overploted onto the large aperture spectrum. Users must keep in mind,
the small-aperture fluxes are known in a relative sense but not in an
absolute one, and the absolute fluxes for small-aperture data are
significantly less reliable than those of large-aperture data.
last updated: Jan. 2003