IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Standard Stars
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* MXLO Data * New Tools * Image Combine * |
A new MXLO data reduction tool has been developed to carry out
the IUE Standard Star Atlas Project
under the IRAF
(Image Reduction and Analysis Facility ) environment.
It facilitates reducing and analyzing data, generating the graphics
(gif and ps format) and wavelength_flux (w_f) table for MXLO spectra,
retrieving information from various related catologues, and so on.
Low-Dispersion Merged Extracted Image (MXLO) were retrieved from the
IUE Final Archive,
supported by the Multi-Mission Archive at STScI
The run sequence to genaerate the spctra and flux tables is
(see the help file of task "gcombine" for details)
One of the following two weighting scheme must be specified for
making the weighted average combine.
Features of The NEWSIPS MXLO Data
FITS Table
Data Points
Absolute calibration
Data Quality Flags
Small Aperture Spectra
A New IRAF Tool for the MXLO Data Reduction
We assumed that the IUE MXLO data have been well-calibrated by the
IUE NEWSIPS pipline. And no additional calibration for MXLO data is made
by this project.
Convert Data Format
convert the IUE spectra from the MXLO format
to the
STSDAS Table formats using the
an IRAF subpackage provided by R. Shaw and H. Bushouse at STScI.
convert 3D FITS table to 2D STSDAS table, including the following table
* w : wavelength
* fL : flux of large aperture image
* fS : flux of small aperture image
* qL : data quality flag for large aperture image
* qS : data quality flag for small aperture image
* fLSc : averge combined flux of the large aperture and the
scaled small aperture
* qLSc : data quality flag for the averge combined image
Make Spectra
wavelength ranges :
* LWR : 1850 - 3200 Å
* LWP : 1850 - 3200 Å
* SWP : 1150 - 1980 Å
extract ralated information from image header and
transfer it to graphics and tables.
make flux table
make graphics
combine images: utilized the STSDAS gcombine as a basic task
to make image combine/merge. See
Image Combine section for algorithms and parameter
* Large Aperture Spectra
* Double (Large and Small)
Aperture Spectra
Image Combine: Algorithms and Parameters
The input images to be combined are specified by a list.
A list of input mask images, specified by the `masks' parameter,
can be used to mask bad pixels before rejection
operations. The mask images should have the same number and size
as the input images.
For input images, set
For each output image line,
Get input image lines
Write the combined image
Parameter Specifications
The mask images, specified by the parameter, `masks', can be used
to mask bad pixels before thresholding and rejection operations.
The mask images should have the same number of and size as the
input images. A mask image is always treated as of a boolean type.
According to the IUE DQF, a zero value indicates a good pixel,
while all non-zero mask values indicate a bad pixel.
The procedure for making the masks includes the following steps:
Image Statistics and Image Scales
In order to combine images with rejection of pixels based on
deviations from some average or median they must be scaled
to a common level.
The scaling stage includes the following steps:
For each data point x(i), its own standard deviation sigma(i)
represents its measured precision. The most probable value
for the mean is the weighted average of the data points,
where each data point is weighted inversely by its own
variance sigma(i)**2 in sum.
Two types of weighting scheme are applied to process the MXLO data
Error Maps
The error map applied for our code is consist of two types of
uncertainty factor :
The error maps would then be set as
where sL and sS is the "sigma" spectrum for LAp and SAp, respectively.
The "med" is the median scaled factor of fL/fS over the selected range.
And the "sqrt" here is the square root oprator.
Rejection Algorithms
This stage rejects pixels using sigma clipping about the
weighted average. The weighted average (trimmed mean) is
used to represent the expected signal level. Values
deviating from the expected signal level by more than
the specified sigma threshold factors (hsigma and lsigma)
are rejected.
The noise characteristics of the input images are well
represented by the noise values stored in each pixel
of the error images.
This case corresponds to the "errcrrej" rejection in
the task "gcombine" .
This case corresponds to the "rsigcrrej" rejection in
the task "gcombine" .
After all the steps of masking pixels, scaling,
and applying a rejection algorithms, the remaining pixels are combined.
The pixels may be combined by computing a weighted average.
The weighted average, however,
is the only adopted option for our project, since the image number
for image combine is less than 5. In most cases, it is 2 or 3.
The uniform weights are specified in the same way as the scale factors.
The "exposure" option in the intensity scaling uses the value of the
image header keyword specified by the `expname' keyword. As implied
by the parameter name, this is typically the image exposure time
since DN levels are linear with the exposure time in SEC Vidicon.
The weight is the reciprocal of the sigma**2, where the sigma is
the scaled error taken from the input error image.
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