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Description of GLASS Data Products: WFC3 NIR Release

The data products from each of the ten clusters are organized into subdirectories based on the cluster name. Several files are available for each cluster and each extracted object. We provide a brief summary below, for full details, consult the README file. Bundles are identified in bold text below.

  1. _inter.fits = Full FoV interlaced grism observation, from which individual targets are extracted. There can be up to four of these (one for each position angle + grism combination). There are also .png preview images for each one.
  2. _intermodel.fits = Model of the full FoV interlaced grism observation. There can be up to four of these (one for each position angle + grism combination). There are also .png preview images for each one.
  3. _align-drz.fits = Image used as alignment reference.
  4. _align-drz-seg.fits = SExtractor segmentation maps, based on the CLASH SExtractor parameters, used for object extraction and generation of the contamination model.
  5. _glassgigcatalog.txt = modified GiG output catalog that includes rating of the contamination and potential defects, as well as cross-matched CLASH IDs of objects from *objle24.tar.gz.
  6. = SExtractor catalog corresponding to the *align-drz-seg.fits file. Includes all sources, not just those with redshift measurements.
  7. _redshiftcatalog.txt = Redshift catalog from visual inspection with GiGz, using the automatic redshift fits, CLASH photometry, and potential emission lines identified with GiG as prior information.
  8. = SExtractor parameter file from the alignment image.
  9. _objgt24.tar.gz = Tarball containing the data products for all faint objects with MAGAUTO > 24. Note these files are several GB in size.
  10. _objle24.tar.gz = Tarball containing the data products for all bright objects with MAGAUTO <= 24. Note these files are several GB in size.
  11. id?????/ = Subdirectory containing the data products for this extracted object. Note that only objects in the redshift catalog have their own sub-directires. To get data for all objects, download the "m≤24" or "m>24" tar bundles. The contents for the sub-directories are as follows:
    1. _1d.fits = Binary table of the 1D extracted spectrum, including wavelengths, fluxes, uncertainties, and contamination level estimates.
    2. _1d.png = Plot of the extracted spectrum.
    3. _2d.fits = The extracted 2D grism spectrum for this object.
    4. _2d.png = Plot of the extracted 2D spectrum, contamination model, continuum model, and the contam. + cont. corrected 2D spectrum.
    5. _2dzfit.png = The 2D spectrum of model continuum from the automatic redshift fit in the "zfit" file.
    6. _zfit.dat = The resulting redshift from the automated fitting to the grism data using the CLASH photometry.
    7. _zfit.fits = Estimated 1D and 2D continuum from the automatic redshift fit to the grism data using the CLASH photometry.
    8. _zfit.png = Figure summarizing the individual automatic redshift fits in "zfit" and comparison with the CLASH photometry.
    9. _zfit-pz.fits = The p(z) grids for the automatic redshift fits of the individual spectra.
    10. _1dstack.fits = Stack of the 1D spectra.
    11. _2dstack.fits = Stack of the 2D spectra.
    12. _2dstack.png = Figure showing the 2D stacked spectra at both position angles.
    13. _2dmosaic.pdf = Overview figure displaying the various extensions of the "2d.fits" files and an SED created by cross-matching with the CLASH photometry.
    14. _zfitplot.png = Figure summarizing the automatic redshift estimates from the "zfit" and comparing them to the photometry from CLASH (represented by blue curves).
    15. _zgrism.txt = The p(z) of the average p(z) from an automatic estimate of the redshift, combining the CLASH photometry with each of the spectra at the two position angles.
    16. .tar.gz = Tarball containing all the above files for the individual object.
    17. _web.{pdf,png} = Version of the "2dmosaic.pdf" used in the HTML pages.