Description of Search, Search Results and Object PageSearch Page One can either search for an object using the usual search keys (such as Target Name, RA & Dec, ..), or by Type and Subtype (returns all objects listed in that category). One can also use the User-specified fields 1 & 2 as follows. Chose the User-specified field 1 ( e.g. Twd(K) for the WD temperature) and enter in the Field Description the lower limit for Twd in Kelvin (e.g. '>19999' - without the quotation mark and enter the thousands without a coma); do the same with the User-specified field 2 for the upper limit for Twd (e.g. '<30001'). Hit search and all the systems with a WD temperature between 20,000K and 30,000K are returned. The temperature returned here is the one obtained from the modeling or knwon in the literature. If the search button is hit without filling in any key, the entire list of objects is returned. Note the other buttons (e.g. maximum records, records per page,...) are the ones usually found in any search on MAST. The object(s) from the search is(are) returned in a table ("Search Results Page"). Search Results Page The Search Results Page returns the objects (Targets) as a table. The table contains from left to right:
Important: by clicking on the headers (top) of any column one can list the objects in the table by increasing (or decreasing) value displayed in that same column. For example if on click on the temperature header (Twd(K)), the objects in the table are then listed by increasing temperature, namely with the colder objects at the top and hotter objects at the bottom. Using that feature on can order the objects in the table by increasing orbital period, mass, distance, or any other parameter. Note, when the table is first return from the search page, the objects are just listed by alphabetical order.
Object PageThe object page is the page that displays all the information, data and graphics for an individual object (=system). It is that page you want to access when you are looking for an object. The Ojbect Page is obtained (or 'returned', or 'accessed') by clicking directly on the name of an object in the Search Results Page table. The object page is divided into several panels. The upper panel (the "description" panel - with the name of the object in bold) on the left contains the basic information for that object (RA, Dec, Type, Subtype, P, i, E(B-V); already described in the previous section). This upper panel on the right contains a basic description of the FUSE spectrum/spectra, the modeling/s and the figure/s displayed below. In the bottom of the upper panel there is a direct link to a list of references ("bibliography") for that object. That list is not complete as it only contains the most important papers and the papers relevant to the FUSE spectra and its modeling for that object (do not hesitate to contact us if you find that a paper that ought to be in that list is missing, we'll be glad to make any addition and/or correction). For most objects there is only one additional panel located under the upper (description) panel. In that panel, on the right, there is a figure (in GIF format) displaying the FUSE spectrum (in red) of the object together with a synthetic (model) spectrum (in white or black). Lines identification is on the figure (for a description of the lines see The FUSE Spectral Lines below). By clicking on the figure one can view the figure by itself, and by clicking on it again a full resolution of the figure is returned (enlarged). In most cases the features in the spectrum that are not associated with the source (e.g. ISM lines, geocoronal emission, etc..) are marked in blue and masked before the modeling is carried out. Under the figure is listed the reference in which the original data analysis and modeling were carried out. On the left to the figure, under the title FUSE Data, information on the FUSE spectrum is given (DataID, Observation Date and Time, good exposure time, state in which the system was observed: OUTBURST, QUIESCENCE, or INTERMEDIATE) together with a direct link ("Download FUSE data") to the FUSE spectrum in ascii format (a table with wavelength, flux and error; the table contains a header with basic info; the units are as shown in the figure). Below this, under the title Synthetic Spectrum, the parameters that were used to model the spectrum are given, e.g. whether it is simple disk model (DISK), or WD, or a combination (WD+Disk), together with the quantities used (inclination, reddening E(B-V), gravity Log(g), temperature (K), projected rotational velocity (km/s) of the WD, C, Si, S and N abundances in solar abundances, distance in pc, mass accretion rate (Log(Mdot) in solar masses). Below that is a direct link to the model ("Download Synthetic Spectrum") which is given in ascii format as a table with wavelength and flux. The ascii table of the model contains a short header with basic info and the units are as shown in the figure. Some systems were not modeled and do not have a synthetic spectrum and therefore that part under "Synthetic Spectrum" has no data. Some systems have more than one FUSE spectrum and this is reflected by having more than one data block under the title FUSE data and/or (possibly) more than one figure.
Some systems have more than one modeling and this is reflected by
having more than one data block under the title Synthetic Spectrum
and/or more than one figure.