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SQL CasJobs Access
and Examples

Description of Catalog Columns

(Based on Appendix 1 in Bianchi, Conti & Shiao 2013, J. Adv. Space Res., arXiv1312.3281B).

Note that column names in bold are columns users will most often want to retrieve, and are highlighted for convenience.

Column Name Description
photoextractid Pointer to photoExtract Table (identifier of original observation).
mpstype Which survey (i.e, "AIS" or "MIS").
avaspra R.A. of center of field where object was measured.
avaspdec Decl. of center of field where object was measured.
objid GALEX identifier for the source.
ra Source's Right Ascension (degrees).
dec Source's Declination (degrees).
glon Source's Galactic longitude (degrees).
glat Source's Galactic latitude (degrees).
tilenum "Tile" number.
img Image number (exposure # for _visits).
subvisit Number of subvisit if exposure was divided.
fov_radius Distance of source from center of the field in which it was measured.
type Obs.type (0=single,1=multi).
band Band number (1=nuv,2=fuv,3=both).
e_bv E(B-V) Galactic Reddening (from Schlegel et al. 1998 maps).
istherespectrum Does this object have a (GALEX) spectrum? Yes (1), No (0).
chkobj_type Astrometry check type.
fuv_mag FUV calibrated magnitude.
fuv_magerr FUV calibrated magnitude error.
nuv_mag NUV calibrated magnitude.
nuv_magerr FUV calibrated magnitude error.
fuv_mag_auto FUV Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude.
fuv_magerr_auto FUV RMS error for AUTO magnitude.
nuv_mag_auto NUV Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude.
nuv_magerr_auto NUV RMS error for AUTO magnitude.
fuv_mag_aper_4 FUV Magnitude aperture ( 8 pxl ).
fuv_magerr_aper_4 FUV Magnitude aperture error ( 8 pxl ).
nuv_mag_aper_4 NUV Magnitude aperture ( 8 pxl ).
nuv_magerr_aper_4 NUV Magnitude aperture ( 8 pxl ) error.
fuv_mag_aper_6 FUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ).
fuv_magerr_aper_6 FUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ) error.
nuv_mag_aper_6 NUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ).
nuv_magerr_aper_6 NUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ) error.
fuv_artifact FUV artifact flag (logical OR near source).
nuv_artifact NUV artifact flag (logical OR near source).
fuv_flags Extraction flags.
nuv_flags Extraction flags.
fuv_flux FUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky).
fuv_fluxerr FUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky) error.
nuv_flux NUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky).
nuv_fluxerr NUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky) error.
fuv_x_image Object position along x.
fuv_y_image Object position along y.
nuv_x_image Object position along x.
nuv_y_image Object position along y.
fuv_fwhm_image FUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core.
nuv_fwhm_image NUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core.
fuv_fwhm_world FUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core (WORLD units).
nuv_fwhm_world NUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core (WORLD units).
nuv_class_star S/G classifier output.
fuv_class_star S/G classifier output.
nuv_ellipticity 1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE.
fuv_ellipticity 1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE.
nuv_theta_J2000 Position angle (east of north) (J2000).
nuv_errtheta_J2000 Position angle error (east of north) (J2000).
fuv_theta_J2000 Position angle (east of north) (J2000).
fuv_errtheta_J2000 Position angle error (east of north) (J2000).
fuv_ncat_fwhm_image FUV FWHM_IMAGE value from -fd-ncat.fits (px).
fuv_ncat_flux_radius_3 FUV FLUX_RADIUS #3 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.80].
nuv_kron_radius Kron apertures in units of A or B.
nuv_a_world Profile RMS along major axis (world units).
nuv_b_world Profile RMS along minor axis (world units).
fuv_a_world Profile RMS along major axis (world units).
fuv_kron_radius Kron apertures in units of A or B.
fuv_b_world Profile RMS along minor axis (world units).

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