are columns users will most often want to retrieve, and are highlighted for convenience.
Column Name
photoextractid |
Pointer to photoExtract Table (identifier of original observation). |
mpstype |
Which survey (i.e, "AIS" or "MIS"). |
avaspra |
R.A. of center of field where object was measured. |
avaspdec |
Decl. of center of field where object was measured. |
objid |
GALEX identifier for the source. |
ra |
Source's Right Ascension (degrees). |
dec |
Source's Declination (degrees). |
glon |
Source's Galactic longitude (degrees). |
glat |
Source's Galactic latitude (degrees). |
tilenum |
"Tile" number. |
img |
Image number (exposure # for _visits). |
subvisit |
Number of subvisit if exposure was divided. |
fov_radius |
Distance of source from center of the field in which it was measured. |
type |
Obs.type (0=single,1=multi). |
band |
Band number (1=nuv,2=fuv,3=both). |
e_bv |
E(B-V) Galactic Reddening (from Schlegel et al. 1998 maps). |
istherespectrum |
Does this object have a (GALEX) spectrum? Yes (1), No (0). |
chkobj_type |
Astrometry check type. |
fuv_mag |
FUV calibrated magnitude. |
fuv_magerr |
FUV calibrated magnitude error. |
nuv_mag |
NUV calibrated magnitude. |
nuv_magerr |
FUV calibrated magnitude error. |
fuv_mag_auto |
FUV Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude. |
fuv_magerr_auto |
FUV RMS error for AUTO magnitude. |
nuv_mag_auto |
NUV Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude. |
nuv_magerr_auto |
NUV RMS error for AUTO magnitude. |
fuv_mag_aper_4 |
FUV Magnitude aperture ( 8 pxl ). |
fuv_magerr_aper_4 |
FUV Magnitude aperture error ( 8 pxl ). |
nuv_mag_aper_4 |
NUV Magnitude aperture ( 8 pxl ). |
nuv_magerr_aper_4 |
NUV Magnitude aperture ( 8 pxl ) error. |
fuv_mag_aper_6 |
FUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ). |
fuv_magerr_aper_6 |
FUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ) error. |
nuv_mag_aper_6 |
NUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ). |
nuv_magerr_aper_6 |
NUV Magnitude aperture ( 17 pxl ) error. |
fuv_artifact |
FUV artifact flag (logical OR near source). |
nuv_artifact |
NUV artifact flag (logical OR near source). |
fuv_flags |
Extraction flags. |
nuv_flags |
Extraction flags. |
fuv_flux |
FUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky). |
fuv_fluxerr |
FUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky) error. |
nuv_flux |
NUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky). |
nuv_fluxerr |
NUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky) error. |
fuv_x_image |
Object position along x. |
fuv_y_image |
Object position along y. |
nuv_x_image |
Object position along x. |
nuv_y_image |
Object position along y. |
fuv_fwhm_image |
FUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core. |
nuv_fwhm_image |
NUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core. |
fuv_fwhm_world |
FUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core (WORLD units). |
nuv_fwhm_world |
NUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core (WORLD units). |
nuv_class_star |
S/G classifier output. |
fuv_class_star |
S/G classifier output. |
nuv_ellipticity |
fuv_ellipticity |
nuv_theta_J2000 |
Position angle (east of north) (J2000). |
nuv_errtheta_J2000 |
Position angle error (east of north) (J2000). |
fuv_theta_J2000 |
Position angle (east of north) (J2000). |
fuv_errtheta_J2000 |
Position angle error (east of north) (J2000). |
fuv_ncat_fwhm_image |
FUV FWHM_IMAGE value from -fd-ncat.fits (px). |
fuv_ncat_flux_radius_3 |
FUV FLUX_RADIUS #3 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.80]. |
nuv_kron_radius |
Kron apertures in units of A or B. |
nuv_a_world |
Profile RMS along major axis (world units). |
nuv_b_world |
Profile RMS along minor axis (world units). |
fuv_a_world |
Profile RMS along major axis (world units). |
fuv_kron_radius |
Kron apertures in units of A or B. |
fuv_b_world |
Profile RMS along minor axis (world units). |