MAST Users Group Meeting
November 18 - 19, 2013
STScI Lyman Spitzer Boardroom
Monday, November 18, 2013
| 8:30-9:00 | Breakfast and Coffee | | |
9:00-10:30 | Session 1 |
| Welcome and Introduction | R. White
| | MAST Overview | R. White, K. Levay
| | MAST User Survey Results / Discussion | A. Koekemoer
| 10:30-10:50 | Coffee break | | |
10:50-12:30 | Session 2 |
| MAST Portal Demo
| T. Rogers, T. Donaldson
| | Galex (incl new gPhoton interface) | S. Fleming, R. Thompson, B. Shiao
| | Kepler Status / Update | S. Fleming, D. Fraquelli
| 12:30-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:15 | Session 3 |
| Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) & Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) | R. White, B. Whitmore
| | Enhancing HST Spectral Products | A. Aloisi
| | High-Level Science Products (HLSP) Discussion | A. Koekemoer, S. Fleming
| 15:15-17:00 | Coffee Break followed by MUG Executive Session | | |
| Tuesday, November 19, 2013
| 8:30-9:00 | Breakfast and Coffee | | |
9:00-12:00 | MUG Executive Session / Discussion (continued) | | |