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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

STScI Outreach Imaging


Description of Data Products

Data Access

HST 30th Anniversary color mosaic of NGC 2020 and NGC 2014. See related README file and press release in the table below.


This is a collection of High-Level Science Products resulting from outreach imaging projects at STScI. These observations were primarily intended to produce high-impact press releases, often associated with Hubble's anniversaries or other special events. Although driven by outreach purposes, the best practices for observing and data processing are applied. The README file for each individual target provides data processing details which are helpful if you utilize these data products for scientific research. Previous outreach imaging HLSPs can be found on the Hubble Heritage HLSP site. You can refer to the full collection of images created by the STScI Outreach Imaging Team using the DOI

Description of Data Products

The images are stored as FITS files with the following naming convention:



  • <ins> = instrument used, e.g., "acs", "wfc3", "acs-wfc3" if both
  • <target> = name of the target, e.g., "m8" for the Lagoon Nebula or "ec82" for EC 82
  • <filter> = the filter used, e.g., "f125w" or "f658n"
  • <type> = data product type, e.g., "dr{c,z}-sci" or "dr{c,z}-wht"
The "*-sci.fits" files are the images while the "*-wht.fits" are the weight files. Files that include "drc" in the file are CTE-corrected.

Data Access

Click on the Data Access links to download the FITS files and preview images associated with each press release. Click on the README file links to access PDF files with more information about each release. Links to the original HubbleSite news releases are available in the last column.

Data Access Occasion Instruments Release Date Readme Files HubbleSite News
NGC 2020 + 2014 HST 30th WFC3 24 April 2020 NGC 2020 Readme STScI-2020-16
Southern Crab Nebula HST 29th WFC3 18 April 2019 Southern Crab Readme STScI-2019-15
EC 82 (aka HBC 672) Halloween WFC3 01 November 2018 EC-82 Readme STScI-2018-40
Lagoon Nebula HST 28th ACS+WFC3 19 April 2018 Lagooon Nebula Readme STScI-2018-21
NGC 4302 + 4298 HST 27th ACS-WFC3 20 April 2017 NGC 4302 + 4298 Readme STScI-2017-14