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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

High-Level Science Products

The GOODS: Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey Project Page describes the project to unite extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories and ESA's XMM-Newton and the most powerful ground-based facilities, to survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits accross the broadest range of wavelengths.

This page provides complete links to the GOODS HST/ACS data and catalogs archived at MAST, in addition to general links to data from other participating facilities.


The GOODS ACS data are located in the anonymous ftp area on in the directory /pub/hlsp/goods/.

Current Best Versions
v2 Version v2.0 reduced, calibrated, stacked and mosaiced ACS images, more fully described in the ReadMe file.
catalog_r2 This directory contains the Version v2.0 of the ACS multi-band source catalogs, described in the ReadMe file.
Cutout Tool This version of the Cutout Tool uses the Version 2.0 data

Previous Versions
v1 Version v1.0 reduced, calibrated, stacked and mosaiced ACS images, more fully described in the ReadMe file.
catalog_r1 This directory contains the Version v1.1 of the ACS multi-band source catalogs, described in the ReadMe file.
images-v1 This directory contains full-size BViz tif and jpg files of the CDFS field. In addition, two smaller sized jpg files are available as "preview" files.
v05 Version v0.5 pipeline-processed, cosmic-ray cleaned, drizzled, coadded ACS images of each tile, more fully described in the ReadMe file. These data have been superceded by Version v1.0 files.
catalog_r1.0z_obsolete Version R1.0 of the ACS multi-band source catalogs. These files are obsolete and superceded by Version R1.1. These data are more fully described in the ReadMe file.
Cutout Tool This version of the Cutout Tool uses the Version 1 GOODS data

GOODS Cutout Tool

A tool to produce cutout images from the GOODS ACS reduced images is available.

Browse Page

The CDF-S browse page displays a map showing the image sections. Click on one of the sections and a page with a small preview, links to the full-sized tif and jpg files, and each of the drizzled and weight map data files for that section are displayed. Click on the preview image and a larger preview image is displayed.

Related contributed High Level Science Products

S. Beckwith et al. (2006) have prepared catalogs of dropout sources for both the GOODS North and South fields and the Hubble Ultra Deep Fields based on the original projects source catalogs. The readme and the associated catalogs are at The paper can be found on astro-ph/0607632.

Other Links

  • Chandra Deep Fields South and North - Public web pages for the Chandra Deep Field teams
  • GOODS data from Spitzer
  • GOODS data from XMM-Newton
  • ESO Spectroscopy - Redshifts and spectra from the GOODS ESO/VLT FORS2 campaign.
  • Hawaii Keck DEIMOS spectra of the HDF-N from the Hawaii IfA group.
  • Team Keck Keck DEIMOS spectra of the HDF-N from the "Team Keck" treasury survey.
  • VIRMOS Team Coming soon: VLT VIMOS spectra of the CDF-S from the VIRMOS instrument development team.
  • NOAO/CTIO MOSAIC data for the GOODS/Chandra Deep Field South V0.5 data release for 2001B CTIO u' imaging