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On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

The Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields

Abell 2744

MACS J0416.1-2403

MACS J0717.5+3745

MACS J1149.5+2223

Abell S1063

Abell 370

This is the primary Archive website for accessing all data from the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields program, a new initiative of six deep fields centered on strong lensing galaxy clusters drawn from Abell et al. (1989) and the MACS survey (Ebeling et al. 2001), in parallel with six deep "blank fields" adjacent to these clusters. Please refer to the Frontier Fields project website for more general information about the project. We provide here a variety of products, including:

Also please visit the Spitzer Frontier Fields website for access to all the Spitzer data on the Frontier Fields.
All the HST Frontier Fields high-level science mosaics and images provided here have been produced by:
    The HST Frontier Fields Science Products Team: A. M. Koekemoer, J. Mack, J. Lotz, J. Anderson,
             R. Avila, E. Barker, D. Borncamp, H. Gunning, B. Hilbert, H. Khandrika, R. Lucas, C. Martlin,
             S. Ogaz, B. Porterfield, M. Robberto, B. Sunnquist

(initial presentations were by Lotz et al. 2014, AAS 223, #254.01 and Koekemoer et al. 2014, AAS 223, #254.02).
Please cite both Lotz et al. (2016, ApJ, submitted) for the survey design paper,
and Koekemoer et al. (2016, ApJS, in preparation) for the HST data description paper.
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  • Please include the following acknowledgement in all publications that make use of these data;
    Based on observations obtained with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, retrieved from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.
    Latest news:

    October 25, 2016: HST V1.0 mosaics released for Epoch 2 of Abell 370

    We are pleased to announce the Version 1.0 release of Epoch 2 of Abell 370, which completes the full 70 HST orbits for epoch 2 of this cluster from program ID 14038 (PI: J. Lotz), as well as completion of all the observations for the entire Frontier Fields program. The full dataset for this cluster also includes public archival ACS and WFC3/IR imaging data from programs 11108 (PI: E. Hu), 11507 (PI: K. Noll), 11591 (PI: J.-P. Kneib), 13459 (PI: T. Treu), and 14216 (PI: R. Kirshner), which have all been included to provide the most complete full-depth mosaics in the ACS/WFC and WFC3/IR filters that are used for the Frontier Fields program. All the mosaics in this v1.0 release have been fully recalibrated relative to the v0.5 mosaics that we released while this epoch was in progress. For ACS, the v1.0 mosaics incorporate new bias and dark current reference files, along with CTE correction and bias destriping, and also include a set of mosaics that have been processed with the new selfcal approach to better account for the low-level dark current structure. The WFC3/IR v1.0 mosaics have improved masking for persistence and bad pixels, and in addition include a set of mosaics that have been corrected for time-variable sky emission that can occur during the orbit and can otherwise impact the up-the-ramp count-rate fitting if not properly corrected. All these mosaics are aligned to a common pixel grid as well as to an absolute astrometric frame based on pre-existing catalogs of this field. Further details are provided in the readme file, which can be obtained along with all the mosaics at the following location:

    In addition, we are working on v2.0 releases for all the Frontier Fields clusters, applying a variety of processing and calibration improvements beyond the v1.0 releases, including:

    • Improved removal of low-level background flatfield residuals
    • Improved astrometry, including new time-dependent distortion models
    • Reprocessing using the latest ACS self-calibration algorithms and WFC3/IR time-variable background removal for all data
    • Improved masking and removal of persistence in the WFC3/IR data
    • Consolidating all ACS and WFC3 imaging obtained by HST on each cluster (including more recent data, if publicly available) into complete full-depth mosaics.
    These v2.0 releases will be distributed as soon as the above processing improvements are complete, and will be announced here once they are completed and made available.

    Access to all HST data on these fields:

    • Via your browser: is the starting navigation point to all the data on these clusters.
    • FTP:
      ftp and login as anonymous.
      cd /pub/hlsp/frontier
      From there you can navigate through the site to find the field and data of interest.
    • WGET
      You can download whole directories of data using wget commands like:
      wget -nH --cut-dirs=5 -r -l0 -c -N -np -R 'index*' -erobots=off

    Cluster Name z Cluster Parallel Field HST
    RA Dec RA Dec
    Year 1:
    Abell 2744 0.308 00:14:21.2 -30:23:50.1 00:13:53.6 -30:22:54.3 Abell 2744 Display
    MACSJ0416.1-2403 0.396 04:16:08.9 -24:04:28.7 04:16:33.1 -24:06:48.7 MACSJ0416-2403 Display
    Year 2:
    MACSJ0717.5+3745 0.545 07:17:34.0 +37:44:49.0 07:17:17.0 +37:49:47.3 MACSJ0717+3745 Display
    MACSJ1149.5+2223 0.543 11:49:36.3 +22:23:58.1 11:49:40.5 +22:18:02.3 MACSJ1149+2223 Display
    Year 3:
    Abell S1063
    0.348 22:48:44.4 -44:31:48.5 22:49:17.7 -44:32:43.8 Abell S1063 Display
    Abell 370 0.375 02:39:52.9 -01:34:36.5 02:40:13.4 -01:37:32.8 Abell 370 Display

    Current HST observing schedule for these fields: (click the graphic for an interactive version):

    Zeropoints for all the HST mosaics (ACS and WFC3; ABmag; infinite aperture):
    F435W F606W F814W
    25.665 26.493 25.947
    F105W F125W F140W F160W
    26.2687 26.2303 26.4524 25.9463

    In addition, we are working on v2.0 releases for all the Frontier Fields clusters, applying a variety of processing and calibration improvements beyond the v1.0 releases, including:

    • Improved removal of low-level background flatfield residuals
    • Improved astrometry, including new time-dependent distortion models
    • Reprocessing using the latest ACS self-calibration algorithms and WFC3/IR time-variable background removal for all data
    • Improved masking and removal of persistence in the WFC3/IR data
    • Consolidating all ACS and WFC3 imaging obtained by HST on each cluster (including more recent data, if publicly available) into complete full-depth mosaics.
    These v2.0 releases will be distributed as soon as the above processing improvements are complete, and will be announced here once they are completed and made available.


    Abell, G. O., Corwin, H. G., Jr., & Olowin, R. P. 1989, ApJS, 701, 1

    Ebeling, H., Edge, A. C., Bohringer, H. et al. 1998, MNRAS, 301, 881

    Ebeling, H., Edge, A. C. & Henry, J. P. 2001, ApJ, 553, 668