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aXe-spectral extraction

HRC UDF Epoch 2 - GOODS sources

aXe-spectral extraction


Setting Value
Sextractor catalog: goods2_final.txt
Grism stamp images: test_affile_2.STP.fits
Table with the spectra: test_affile_2.SPC.fits
Direct image: gf606.fits
Catalog sorted according to: MAG_AUTO
Sorting order: ascending
Number of objects 37 (all)
Start at object nr.: 1
Root name of the HTML files: hrc_goods
Output directory /data/ecf-udf/axe2web/epoch2/goods2
Header of the HTML pages HRC UDF Epoch 2 - GOODS sources
Title in the HTML-headers: aXe2web
Number of objects per html-page 40
Length of the grism stamp images: 162
Width of the direct image stamp: 50
Image format: PNG
Lower,upper wavelength range: 5500,10500 Angstrom
Error bars plotted: YES
Objects marked: YES
Only HTML pages created: NO
Overview page created YES

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