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Appendix D
Format of Housekeeping Files

The housekeeping files contain time-resolved engineering data used by CalFUSE to correct science data for instrument and pointing problems during exposures (Section 5.2). Each type of parameter is checked for telemetry gaps based on its nominal update period. Gaps are reported in trailer files (Section for the exposure according to the source telemetry file. A brief description of the content of housekeeping files is given below. More details can be found in the Instrument Handbook (2009).

Table D.1: Formats of Housekeeping Filesa
Array Name Format Description
HDU 1: Empty (Header only)
HDU 2: Time ordered data}
MJD double Engineering time (Modified Julian Date)
AATTMODE long Attitude estimation mode 5=Fine 4=Coarse
AATTQECI2BDY_1 double ACS estimated body quaternion X component
AATTQECI2BDY_2 double ACS estimated body quaternion Y component
AATTQECI2BDY_3 double ACS estimated body quaternion Z component
I_FPD_Q_ECI2BDY_1 double IDS FPD measured quaternion X comp
I_FPD_Q_ECI2BDY_2 double IDS FPD measured quaternion Y comp
I_FPD_Q_ECI2BDY_3 double IDS FPD measured quaternion Z comp
I_FPDQ_ECI2BDYCMD1 double IDS commanded ECI to body quat X comp
I_FPDQ_ECI2BDYCMD2 double IDS commanded ECI to body quat Y comp
I_FPDQ_ECI2BDYCMD3 double IDS commanded ECI to body quat Z comp
I_FPD_EXP_DURATION float FPD exposure duration (seconds)
I_FPD_MEAS_Q_VALID long FPD measured quaternion valid flag: 0,1
I_FPD_NEW_CMD_Q long FPD new commanded quaternion flag:(NotNew,New)
I_FPD_ROLLINFPRSNT long FPD roll information present: 0,1 (No,Yes)
I_FPD_STARFLD_KNWN long Tracking on Unknown/Known stars:(Unkn,Known)
I_FPD_TRACKING_ON long Moving target tracking on: 0,1 (Off,On)
CENTROID1_STATUS long Guidestar 1 Unused,Unver,Ver&Used,VerNotUsed
CENTROID2_STATUS long Guidestar 2 Unused,Unver,Ver&Used,VerNotUsed
CENTROID3_STATUS long Guidestar 3 Unused,Unver,Ver&Used,VerNotUsed
CENTROID4_STATUS long Guidestar 4 Unused,Unver,Ver&Used,VerNotUsed

Table D2: Formats of Housekeeping Files (continued)
Array Name Format Description
CENTROID5_STATUS long Guidestar 5 Unused,Unver,Ver&Used,VerNotUsed
CENTROID6_STATUS long Guidestar 6 Unused,Unver,Ver&Used,VerNotUsed
I_AT_CMD_ATT long IDS at commanded attitude: 0,1 (No,Yes)
I_GMODE long IDS guide mode Idle,Slew,Img,UnIDtrk,IDtrk,MvT
I_NEW_QCMD_FLAG long FPD contains new commanded quaternion: 0,1
I_NEW_QMEAS_FLAG long FPD contains new measured quaternion: 0,1
I_TM_OUTPUT_RATE long Telem subset 0=A 5=B 7=Inval others:memorydump
I_CNFGCENT_FAIL_ST long ConfigCents status 0=ok 1=configure 2,3,4=err
I_MT_FAIL_STAT long MovingTarget status 0=ok 2=config 1,3,4,5=err
I_PO_FAIL_STAT long Pointing offset status 0=ok 1,2=err
I_PU_FAIL_STAT long peakup status 0=ok 1,2,3,4=err
I_TC_FAIL_STAT long target correction 0=ok 1=config 2,3,4=err
I_UTRACK_FAIL_STAT long Unidentified track ok,config,star_sel,reject
I_IDS_IGNORED long ACS uses/ignores IDS FPDs: 0,1 (Use,Ignore)
AQECI2BDYCMD_1 double ACS commanded quaternion X axis: range (-1,1)
AQECI2BDYCMD_2 double ACS commanded quaternion Y axis: range (-1,1)
AQECI2BDYCMD_3 double ACS commanded quaternion Z axis: range (-1,1)
I_DET1CFEA long DET1 Counter Fast Events A
I_DET1CFEB long DET1 Counter Fast Events B
I_DET2CFEA long DET2 Counter Fast Events A
I_DET2CFEB long DET2 Counter Fast Events B
I_DET1CAIA long DET1 Counter Active Image A
I_DET1CAIB long DET1 Counter Active Image B
I_DET2CAIA long DET2 Counter Active Image A
I_DET2CAIB long DET2 Counter Active Image B
I_DET1CSICA long DET1 Counter SiC A
I_DET1CSICB long DET1 Counter SiC B
I_DET2CSICA long DET2 Counter SiC A
I_DET2CSICB long DET2 Counter SiC B
I_DET1CLIFA long DET1 Counter LiF A
I_DET1CLIFB long DET1 Counter LiF B
I_DET2CLIFA long DET2 Counter LiF A
I_DET2CLIFB long DET2 Counter LiF B
I_DET1CASA long DET1 SAA Counter A
I_DET1CASB long DET1 SAA Counter B
I_DET2CASA long DET2 SAA Counter A
I_DET2CASB long DET2 SAA Counter B
I_DET1HVBIASAST long DET1 MCP-A High Voltage Bias setting
I_DET1HVBIASBST long DET1 MCP-B High Voltage Bias setting
I_DET2HVBIASAST long DET2 MCP-A High Voltage Bias setting
I_DET2HVBIASBST long DET2 MCP-B High Voltage Bias setting
a Sampled once per second, and dimension set length of the exposure.