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Data Products Table

Data Product Summary

The complete set of TESS data products are summarized in the tables below. Much more information is available in the Data Products Handbook, and tutorials are available in the TESS Archive Manual.

Pixel-Level and Planet Search Products Models and Engineering Files Source Catalogs and Simulated Data Sets File Name Schema File Path Schema

Pixel-Level And Planet Search Products

Product File Name Convention File Location Primary Reference
Uncalibrated Full Frame Image tess{date-time}-s{sctr}-{cam}-{ccd}-{scid}-{cr}_ffir.fits ffi/s{sctr}/{yyyy}/{ddd}/{cam}-{ccd}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 3
Calibrated Full Frame Image tess{date-time}-s{sctr}-{cam}-{ccd}-{scid}-{cr}_ffic.fits ffi/s{sctr}/{yyyy}/{ddd}/{cam}-{ccd}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 3
Target Pixel File tess{date-time}-s{sctr}-{tid}-{scid}-{cr}_tp.fits tid/s{sctr}/{tid1}/{tid2}/{tid3}/{tid4}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 4
Light Curve File tess{date-time}-s{sctr}-{tid}-{scid}-{cr}_lc.fits tid/s{sctr}/{tid1}/{tid2}/{tid3}/{tid4}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 5
Collateral Target Pixel File tess{date-time}-s{sctr}-{type}-{cam}-{ccd}-{output}-{scid}-{cr}_col.fits ffi/s{sctr}/yyyy/ddd/{cam}-{ccd}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 7
Cotrending Basis Vectors tess{date-time}-s{sctr}-{cam}-{ccd}-{scid}-{cr}_cbv.fits ffi/s{sctr}/yyyy/ddd/{cam}-{ccd}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 8
Data Validation Results tess{date-time}-s{startsctr}-s{endsctr}-{tid}-{pin}_dvr.xml tid/s{sctr}/{tid1}/{tid2}/{tid3}/{tid4}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 10
TCE Summary Report tess{date-time}-s{startsctr}-s{endsctr}-{tid}-{pn}-{pin}_dvs.pdf tid/s{sctr}/{tid1}/{tid2}/{tid3}/{tid4}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 11
Full Data Validation Report tess{date-time}-s{startsctr}-s{endsctr}-{tid}-{pin}_dvr.pdf tid/s{sctr}/{tid1}/{tid2}/{tid3}/{tid4}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 12
Data Validation Results Schema tess{date-time}_dvr.xsd models/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 13
Data Validation Time Series tess{date-time}-s{startsctr}-s{endsctr}-{tid}-{pin}_dvt.fits tid/s{sctr}/{tid1}/{tid2}/{tid3}/{tid4}/ Sci. Data Prod. - Sec. 14

Models and Engineering Files

Product File Name Convention File Location Primary Reference
Spacecraft Configuration State {prefix}_{cid}-config.xml engineering/  
Target Pixel Table {prefix}_{pid}-target-pixel-table.xml pixel_list/  
Collateral Pixel Table {prefix}_{pid}-collateral-pixel-table.xml pixel_list/  
Target List {prefix}_{lid}-{sctr}-target-list.xml pixel_list/  
Engineering Data (Mnemonics) tess{date-time}_sector{sn}-eng.fits engineering/  
Engineering Data (Quaternions) tess{date-time}_sector{sn}-quat.fits engineering/  
Predicted Orbit Ephemerides TESS_EPH_PRE_{datestamp}_{vv}.bsp models/  
Definitive Orbit Ephemerides TESS_EPH_DEF_{datestamp}_{vv}.bsp models/  
Predicted Orbit Ephermerides w/o Maneuvers TESS_EPH_PRE_LONG_{datestamp}_{vv}.bsp models/  
Predicted Orbit Ephemerides w/ Maneuvers TESS_EPH_PRE_MNVR_{datestamp}_{vv}.bsp models/  
Pre-commissioning Predictive Ephemerides w/ Maneuvers TESS_EPH_PRE_COMM_{datestamp}_{vv}.bsp models/  
Planetary Ephemeris Kernel {prefix}_de{P}.bsp models/  
Spacecraft Clock Kernel {prefix}_sclk.tsc engineering/  
Leap Seconds Kernel {prefix}_naif{L}.tls models/  
Flat Field Model tess{did}_{cam}-{ccd}-flat.fits models/  
Gain Model {prefix}_{mid}-gain.xml models/  
Linearity Model {prefix}_{mid}-linearity.xml models/  
Two-Dimensional Black Model tess{did}-{cam}-{ccd}-2dblack.fits models/  
Read Noise Model {prefix}_{mid}-read-noise.xml models/  
CCD Electronics Model {prefix}_{mid}-ccd-electronics.xml models/  
CCD Layout Model {prefix}_{mid}-ccd-layout.xml models/  
Geometry Model {prefix}_{mid}-geometry.xml models/  
Pixel Response Function {prefix}_{mid}-{cam}-{ccd}-characterized-prf.mat models/prf_fitsfiles/start_{sctr}/cam{cam}_ccd{ccd}/  
Pixel Response Function (5x5 Supersampled Grid) tess-{mid}-{cam}-{ccd}_spocprf.mat models/prf_fitsfiles/start_{sctr}/cam{cam}_ccd{ccd}/  
Pixel Response Function (5x5 Supersampled Grid) {prefix}-prf-{cam}-{ccd}-row{rnum}-col{cnum}.fits models/prf_fitsfiles/start_{sctr}/cam{cam}_ccd{ccd}/  
Mission Pointing Profile {prefix}_{mid}-pointing.xml engineering/  
CRM Huffman Table {prefix}_{tblid}-{exp}-crm-huffman-table.xml models/  
CRM Full Frame Image Huffman Table {prefix}_{tblid}-{exp}-crm-ffi-huffman-table.xml models/  
CRM Requant Table {prefix}_{tblid}-{exp}-crm-requant-table.xml models/  
CRM Full Frame Image Requant Table {prefix}_{tblid}-{exp}-crm-ffi-requant-table.xml models/  
Mean Black Table {prefix}_{tblid}-mean-black-table.xml models/  
Limb Darkening Model tess{date-time}_limb.csv models/  

Source Catalogs and Simulated Data Sets

Product File Name Convention File Location Primary Reference
ETE-6 MISC - same as documented in this table ete-6/ ETE-6 README
TIC tic_dec{mindec}__{maxdec}.csv.gz catalogs/tic_v{ticver}/ Release Paper (ADS)
CTL exo_CTL_{ctlver}.csv catalogs/xCTL/ Release Paper (ADS)

Notes on file name schema:

  • {date-time} = The timestamp associated with this file, in the yyyydddhhmmss format.
  • {datestamp} = The date associated with this file, in the yyyyddd format.
  • {sctr} = A zero-padded, four-digit integer indicating the sector in which the data were collected, starting with Sector 1.
  • {sn} = A zero-padded, 2-digit integer representing the sector in which the data were collected, starting with Sector 1.
  • {cam} = A single digit that identifies the camera used to collect the data.
  • {ccd} = A single digit that identifies the CCD chip.
  • {scid} = A zero-padded, four-digit identifier of the spacecraft configuration map used to process this data.
  • {cr} = A string character that denotes the cosmic ray mitigation procedure. Possible values are:
    • 'x': No mitigation performed at the SPOC.
    • 's': Mitigation performed on the spacecraft.
    • 'a': A SPOC mitigation algorithm was used.
    • 'b': Both a SPOC and onboard spececraft algorithm was used.
  • {tid} = A zero-padded, 16-digit target identifier that refers to an object in the TESS Input Catalog.
  • {pin} = A zero-padded, 5-digit identifier denoting the pipeline run.
  • {pn} = A zero-padded, 2-digit integer denoting the TCE number.
  • {type} = A string character that denotes the type of collateral data included. Possible values are:
    • 'lvcol': Leading Virtual Column.
    • 'smrow': Smear Row.
    • 'tvcol': Trailing Virtual Column.
    • 'vrow': Virtual Row.
  • {output} = A string character that denotes the CCD output. Possible values are 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'.
  • {mindec} = A string of the form ii{N,S}, where "ii" is the zero-padded, two digit minimum declination included in this .csv, and 'N' or 'S' are for northern or southern values, respectively. Used only for TIC files produced by MAST.
  • {maxdec} = A string of the form ii{N,S}, where "ii" is the zero-padded, two digit maximum declination included in this .csv, and 'N' or 'S' are for northern or southern values, respectively. Used only for TIC files produced by MAST.
  • {ctlver} = A string of the form mm.nn, where "mm" and "nn" are 2-digit, zero-padded integers representing the major and minor release numbers of the CTL (for example, 07.02). The major version number is tied to the TIC version the CTL is associated with.
  • {prefix} = A string in the form of tess{date-time}-{did}.
  • {did} = A zero-padded, unique, 5-digit integer associated with this data set instance.
  • {cid} = A zero-padded, 3-digit config map identifier.
  • {lid} = A zero-padded, 3-digit target list identifier.
  • {mid} = A zero-padded, 3-digit model identifier.
  • {pid} = A zero-padded, 3-digit pixel table identifier.
  • {tblid} = A zero-padded, 3-digit table identifier.
  • {vv} = A zero-padded, 2-digit version number starting from zero.
  • {P} = The planetary ephemeris model number from NAIF (i.e., 421, 430, etc.)
  • {L} = The zero-padded, 4-digit NAIF model number (i.e., 0012, etc.)
  • {exp} = The net number of exposures per cadence (total number minus number dropped for CRM) as azero-padded, 4 digit number.
  • {cnum} = The CCD column number as a azero-padded, 4 digit number.
  • {rnum} = The CCD row number as a azero-padded, 4 digit number.

Notes on file path schema:

The paths specified here are all relative to /missions/tess/.

  • {sctr} = A zero-padded, four-digit integer indicating the sector in which the data were collected, starting with Sector 1.
  • {startsctr} = A zero-padded, 4-digit integer representing the starting sector for files that span multiple sectors.
  • {endsctr} = A zero-padded, 4-digit integer representing the ending sector for the files that span multiple sectors.
  • {cam} = A single digit that identifies the camera used to collect the data.
  • {ccd} = A single digit that identifies the CCD chip.
  • {yyyy} = A four-digit integer indicating the year the data were collected.
  • {ddd} = A zero-padded, three-digit integer indicating the day number in the year the data were collected.
  • {tid1} = A zero-padded, four-digit integer consisting of digits 1-4 of the full, zero-padded TIC ID.
  • {tid2} = A zero-padded, four-digit integer consisting of digits 5-8 of the full, zero-padded TIC ID.
  • {tid3} = A zero-padded, four-digit integer consisting of digits 9-12 of the full, zero-padded TIC ID.
  • {tid4} = A zero-padded, four-digit integer consisting of digits 13-16 of the full, zero-padded TIC ID.
  • {pin} = A zero-padded, 5-digit identifier denoting the pipeline run.
  • {pn} = A zero-padded, 2-digit integer denoting the TCE number.
  • {ticver} = An integer corresponding to the TIC release number.