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Spliced Dataset UVSUM_2H_50801

Dataset MODE-λcen Aper Range Texp MJD QF Fscl Vshft Xcorr Params
o4g002010 FITS E140H-1562 020×009 1463.3-1653.2 900 50801.827 99 1.131 +0.35
o4g002030 FITS E230H-1763 010×009 1631.4-1901.0 678 50801.849 98 1.189 +0.35
o4g002020 FITS E230H-2013 010×003 1890.0-2146.0 80 50801.843 99 1.000 +0.35
o4g002060 FITS E230H-2263 310×005N 2131.0-2395.8 288 50801.912 99 1.082 +0.35
o4g002050 FITS E230H-2513 310×005N 2386.0-2647.1 360 50801.903 99 1.236 -0.16 2389.60 [0.30]
o4g002040 FITS E230H-2762 310×005N 2622.0-2887.9 360 50801.893 99 1.570 -1.23 2626.73 [0.30]

Notes. Aperture code: 020×009= 0.20″×0.09″. Range is in Å. Texp is total exposure time (seconds). MJD is first start date of a sequence. "QF" is quality factor. "Fscl" is flux scale factor. "Vshft" is wavelength correction (in km/s) derived from cross-correlation. The template parameters (λ and [Δλ]) are in Å. The cross-correlation, if any, was applied between the template spectrum and the preceding one. If no template params are reported, a "blind" coaddition of the overlapping wavelengths of the pair was performed.

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