M87 (NGC 4486, UGC 7654, 1228+1240)

M87 (NGC 4486, UGC 7654, 1228+1240) -- This is the central elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster and a much-studied AGN, with a LINER nucleus and a jet that is visible at radio, optical, and UV wavelengths. UV images of the nucleus and the jet have been previously published by Boksenberg et al. (1992). This archival image is a 1200 s exposure with the FOC/96 in its ``normal'' (i.e., unzoomed) $512 × 512 pixel format, giving a $10" × 10" field of view, and the standard F220W filter. The exposure is 1.6 times more sensitive than the standard setup. The image shows a bright central point source, and the knots of the UV jet emerging westward. The UV flux from the central point source, 1 × 10-15 erg s-1 cm-2 Å-1, is sufficient to provide the observed H flux through photoionization, as in the other UV-bright LINERs in the sample (Maoz et al. 1995; Maoz 1996).