M31 (NGC 224, UGC 454, 0040+4100)

M31 (NGC 224, UGC 454, 0040+4100) -- This archival image of the center of the Andromeda galaxy is one of three exposures described in detail by King et al. (1992) and King, Stanford, & Crane (1995). It is a 1677 s exposure with the f/48 FOC in its 512× 1024 ``zoomed'' pixel mode, providing a 44"×44" field of view. The filter is F175W, whose peak transmission is at ~1900 Å. Considering the response of this setup and the exposure time, the image is similar in sensitivity to the standard setup. The image shows bright, centrally-peaked diffuse emission that is asymmetric at its peak. King et al. (1995) show that this peak coincides with the fainter of two peaks seen in optical HST images, and with the dynamical center of the galaxy (Lauer et al. 1993). Many individual stars are also visible, and are discussed in detail by King et al. (1992).