Help for IDP3 Resize Widget The main image display size is initially defined in the file, idp3_preferences, with the parameters: main_display_image_X_size, main_display_image_Y_size, main_display_scroll_X_size, main_display_scroll_Y_size, and main_display_scroll. The display size may be modified during execution with this widget as follows: Image X and Y Size - refers to the size of the display if scrolling is disabled. If scrolling is enabled the Image Size represents the size of the data which is larger than the size of the scroll window. Scroll Display - if set to No the display size is set to the image size and any values in the Scroll Size are ignored. Scroll X and Y Size - refers to the size of the scrollable window that is less than the Image Size. The numbers are ignored if scrolling is not enabled. The user may also resize the display when scrolling is disabled by dragging out the lower right corner of the main display widget. This method of resizing the display is greatly discouraged.