Radial Profile A radial profile plot widget is created when the user selects Radial Profile for the mouse mode in the ROI and depresses a mouse button at the center of the desired radial profile, drags the mouse to the radial edge of the profile, and releases the mouse button. Functions above the radial profile plot include: GaussShow - pops up a widget with the original fit data, a 2-D model of the gaussian, the residuals of the fit, and a contour map of the residuals with or without the image overlaid. The user can specify the minimum and maximum value to be imaged for the raw data, model data, and residuals. When generating a contour map the user specifies the number of levs that are evenly spread between z1 and z2. The raw image, model image, and/or the residual image may be saved to a fits file. The Done button closes the widget. Smooth - Smooth smoothes the radial profile with a boxcar smooth over the number of pixels specified by the user (Pix). Undo resets the smooth width to 1. Save - There are 3 different files that may be saved from the radial profile widet: 2D image - the radial profile vector is expanded into a 2-D image the size of the ROI. Centroid - the centroid solutions of all images that are ON are saved to the user specified text file. Radial Profile - Save current radial profile to a text file, with the following columns: Radius, Mean, Standard Deviation of the Mean (or Median), Encircled Energy, Number of Points within the radius, Number of Points Rejected (masked) within the Radius, Standard Error of the Mean (Median), Signal to Noise (Mean or Median), and Signal to Noise (Pixel). Comments at the top of the file include the profile center, radius, zoom factor, ROI coordinates, and the smooth factor. A widget pops up for the user to enter the output file name. Print - Print current radial profile to output file (postscript, encapsulated postscript, pict, tiff, or jpeg). Pops up a widget for the user to enter file name and output type. Help - Displays this file. Done - Closes the Radial Profile Widget. On the radial profile plot: On the lower right side of the plot the xcursor and ycursor values are displayed in yellow as the cursor is moved in the plot display. Below the radial profile plot: Ymin and Ymax: The minimum and maximum plot value for the y-axis. These values are set automatically when Auto Scale is enabled. If the user changes the values Auto Scale is disabled. All subsequent radial profile plots will use the same scaling until Auto Scale is re-enabled. Auto Scale: The y-axis of the radial profile plot is scaled between the minimum and maximum of the profile vector. The minimum and maximum are computed for each profile. Log Scale: The y-axis is scaled logarithmically. Encircled Energy: The user may select to plot the encircled energy instead of the radial profile. Overplot: When overplot is selected subsequent profiles may be overplotted on the first. There are 6 distinct line styles to distinguish each plot. Error Plotting: Errors associated with the radial profile may be overplotted on the profile (in red). The options are None, Standard Deviation Error, and Standard Error. S/N Plot: If error plotting has been enabled the user may select to plot in a separate graphic window the signal to noise of the profile. ShowBox: If a non-zero value for the WgtMoment-HalfBox has been specified, HalfBox will show the box in the ROI display. If a Weighted Moment centroid has been computed WgtMoment will show the data used in the computation in the ROI display. Profile: The profile may be computed as the mean or median of pixels at each radius. XCenter: The x location of the radial profile center. It is automatically set from the circle drawn in the ROI but may be updated by the user. YCenter: The y location of the radial profile center. It is automatically set from the circle drawn in the ROI but may be updated by the user. Radius: The radius of the radial profile. It is automatically set from the circle drawn in the ROI but may be updated by the user. Fitting: The FWHM is required for centroid fitting using the 2-D Gaussian fit and is the default for determining the box width for the Weighted Moment algorithm. (See HalfBox below.) Calc FWHM will calculate an approximate FWHM from the radial profile and update the FWHM field. The user may alter the value in the field. Fit Circle: By default a square region of data is fit. If Fit Circle is enabled pixels inside the box but outside the circle are masked. WgtMoment: Additional parameters for the weighted moment algorithm are: HalfBox: The user may specify a box half width in pixels for the fitting region. This will override the default box half width of 1.5 sigma (0.637 * FWHM). CenterPeakUp: By default, the weighted moment algorithm finds the maximum pixel in a box centered on the input X,Y center and extracts a new box about this maximum pixel. If CenterPeakUp is disabled this step is omitted in the fitting process. Centroid Methods: Weighted Moment (CNTRD from the Astron Library), uses an early DAOPHOT "FIND" centroid algorithm that locates the position where the X and Y derivaties go to zero. GaussFit is the mpfit2dpeak procedure from Craig B. Markwardt which uses his non-linear least squares fitter MPFIT. The baseline level is assumed to be constant. A number of changes have been made to the radial profile plot window. These changes are described below: Both the centroid and adjust radial profile functions have been moved to the radial profile window. The profile may be adjusted by changing the x and y centers or radius in the appropriate boxes at the bottom of the widget. The initial guess of the centroid center is defined in the same boxes while the full width half maximum may be computed from the radial profile (Calc FWHM button) or typed in the appropriate box. A number of new features have been added including: 1. The user may choose between the mean and the median when computing the radial profile. 2. Two methods are defined for computing the centroid, the weighted moment algorithm that has always been available and the 2D Gaussian fitting routine. Either or both may be selected with the weighted moment routine the default. When both are selected the results of both fits are printed in a box on the right side of the widget with their errors and the differences between the fits in x and y and the total error. The radial profile generated from the weighted mean center is plotted as a solid line and the profile generated from the gaussian center is overlaid as a dashed line. 3. The user may select the minimum and maximum values for the plot y axis to expand the y scaling. If auto scale is turned off all future plots will use the same scaling. Otherwise, the scaling is only valid for the current plot. 4. The user may select to plot the encircled energy profile instead of the radial profile. 5. The user may select to plot the associated errors over the radial profile. 6. The user may select log scale or the default linear scale for the y-axis. 7. If over plot is selected subsequent radial profile plots are overplotted on the current display with no erase. Since there are six unique line styles it is not recommended to overplot more than five profiles. 8. The user may adjust the radial profile by changing the values of the profile x,y center or radius in the appropriate text boxes. The profile is updated with any change to these parameters. 9. The user must enter a value for FWHM or calculate the value based on the profile data before centroiding. If a 2-d gaussian is fit the user may display the data that was fitted, the model of the fit, the residuals, and a contour map of the residuals with the gaussshow button. 10. The S/N Plot button produces a signal to noise plot of the profile. Radial Profile submenu in the ROI Save Save current radial profile to a text file, X,Y pairs. Pops up a widget allowing user to enter file name. The center of the radial profile is saved in the first line of the output file. Print Print current radial profile to output file (postscript, encapsulated postscript, or pict). Pops up a widget allowing user to enter file name and output type. Save Centroids Saves the centroid x and y values with associated file names to an ASCII text file. Set Color Sets the color of the radial profile circle drawn in the roi display. Align Centroids Moved to ROI Plot Menu. Adjust Radial Profile Moved to radial profile display Centroid Moved to radial profile display