Help for the IDP3 Adjust Position Widget Scaling, shifting, resampling, rotating, etc. of individual images is controlled in the Adjust Position Widget. The widget is laid out as a long vertical control panel. At the top of the widget is the name of the image (the current reference image) to which the current status and values pertain. The fields and buttons below the image name are as follows: Flux Scale: Multiplicative factor for the reference image. This value may be adjusted in increments of the step field below the flux scale entry box with the + and - buttons. Resample Factor: Factor for resampling the reference image. May be any positive real number. Image Bias: Additive factor for the reference image. This is a convenient way to remove background from the image. (see ROI statistics.) Image Shifting: Image offsets may be set in several ways. The user may specify both X and Y offsets in the appropriate fields or by using the control pad with a non-zero Move Amount. Aligning by World Coordinates or by centroids will set the necssary X and Y offsets to align images. These offsets will be reflected in the X and Y offset fields of the Adjust Position widget. Image Rotation: A Rotation Center and Angle (measured clockwise) must be specified in order to rotate the reference image. The default rotation center (center of image) is set when an image is loaded. The user may modify the rotation center by modifying the numbers in the the Rotation Center X and Y fields. The rotation angle may be incremented by the adjustment field below the Angle field with the + and - buttons. Image Padding: When images are rotated without first being padded much of the image may be rotated out of the field of view. To avoid this occurence the user may pad the image where padded pixels are set to 0. Padding must be the same for both x and y axes. If Border Pad is selected to be Yes the pad value is automatically set to 40% of the major axis. The user may override this value by setting his own in the Number of Pixels field. Setting this field initially automatically sets the Border Pad selection to Yes. Image Pixel Scaling: The user may adjust the pixel scale of the reference image with the IDP3 Set Pixel Scales Widget. The widget is activated from the Pixel Scale button. See help for the IDP3 Set Pixel Scales Widget for more details. Pixel scale corrections that have been applied may be "undone" with the Undo button. X/Y Position: When an image is loaded the header is searched for keywords which establish the image target position. For HST data these keywords are RA_TARG and DEC_TARG and for Spitzer data the keywords are RA_REF and DEC_REF. If these keywords are present with a valid world coordinate system the x and y position of the target coordinates is computed and stored in the image structure. The user may query the values of the x and y positions as well as modify the values with the popup IDP3 X/Y Position Widget. The user may align images by these X/Y positions with Align by X/Y Positions in the ROI Align Menu. Image Clipping: The user may clip the minimum and maximum values in the image with the IDP3 Clip Image Min and IDP3 Clip Image Max Widgets activated by the Clip Min and Clip Max buttons. The user specifies the minimum value and the replacement value where all pixel values less than or equal to the Minimum Value are set to the Replacement Value. The Clip Max function works in the same way that all pixel values greater than or equal to the Maximum Value are set to the Replacement Value. Help Button: Displays the contents of this file. Done Button: Closes the IDP3 Adjust Position Widget.