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V405 Aur

Plot of FUSE data for V405 Aur

Coordinates Dataset Program Observation Date Exposure Time
05 57 59.29
+53 53 44.90
Z9100701000 Z910 2002-10-15 05:56:52 7916
D0080101 had some jitter problems, and we removed exposures 004 and 006 from the time-averaged spectrum. The resulting spectrum shows emission lines and continuum. Z9100701 had channel drift in LiF2 and SiC2, with no useful data in those channels. There was a strong emission line detection in this observation but no continuum detection. Background subtraction appears poor in both LiF1 and SiC1 spectra. (Alternately, the LiF1 background subtraction may be acceptable and the negative fluxes in that channel are due to the uncorrected worm.)
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