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U Gem

Plot of FUSE data for U Gem

Coordinates Dataset Program Observation Date Exposure Time
07 55 05.29
+22 00 05.70
A1260102001 A126 2000-03-07 10:11:18 6248
A1260112, A1260102, and A1260103 are HIST observations. There were no problems with A1260112, but the next two observations had pointing drift in the SiC1 and SiC2 channels. When the target was partially in the aperture, we rescaled the spectra to match the flux in LiF1 in their region of overlap. A1260105 had drift in all the channels other than LiF1. We rescaled where possible but the SiC2 channel was completely misaligned for the whole observation. P1540203 had no problems.
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h_ugem_a126_0102.fits preview