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Dataset obkk11010

Dataset MODE−λcen Aper Range Texp MJD QF Vshft XC / Fscl
obkk11010_1 E230H-3012 0.2×.05N2 2875−3158 1824 55673.694 60 +0.00

Notes. Aper is abbreviated aperture code (0.2×.05N2= 0.2″×0.05″ND2). Spectral Range is in Å. Texp is integration time (in s). MJD is U.T. start time of the sub-exposure. QF is quality factor (average S/N per resel) . Vshft (wavelength correction) is zero by default for single sub-exposure. Wavelengths and fluxes are listed in FITS extension 1 of top-level dataset obkk11010.
