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Spliced Dataset UVSUM_1H_56752-56756

Dataset MODE−λcen Aper Range Texp MJD QF Vshft XC Fscl
E140H-1271_0.2x.05N2_56752-56754 FITS
1160.0-1354.0 4132 56752.232 77 +0.52
E140H-1416_0.2x.05N2_56752-56756 FITS
1322.9-1507.2 3082 56752.315 105 −0.07 1334.59 [0.16] 1.042
E140H-1598_0.2x.05N2_56752-56754 FITS
1495.0-1640.4 5192 56752.364 87 −0.07
E230H-1763_0.2x.05N2_56752-56754 FITS
1630.9-1892.0 5186 56752.431 71 −0.07
ocb6o0040 FITS E230H-2013 0.2×.05N2 1882.7−2146.7 2596 56754.289 75 −0.07
ocb6o2020 FITS E230H-2263 0.2×.05N2 2130.6−2390.0 2596 56752.165 99 −0.07
ocb6o2010 FITS E230H-2463 0.2×.05N2 2332.5−2584.0 1531 56752.116 96 −0.16 2382.87 [0.09] 1.079
ocb6o1020 FITS E230H-2513 0.2×.05N2 2394.5−2643.4 2590 56756.148 117 −0.16
ocb6o1030 FITS E230H-2713 0.2×.05N2 2580.9−2807.6 2596 56756.214 123 +0.17 2600.30 [0.10] 1.164
ocb6o1040 FITS E230H-2912 0.2×.05N2 2784.2−3046.8 2596 56756.281 115 +0.00 2796.48 [0.12] 1.111

Notes. Aper is abbreviated aperture code (0.2×.05N2= 0.2″×0.05″ND2). Spectral Range is in Å. Texp is total exposure time (in s). MJD is first start time of a sequence. QF is quality factor (average S/N per resel). Vshft is wavelength correction (in km/s) derived from pair-wise cross-correlations. XC are cross-correlation template parameters (λ and [Δλ], in Å). Cross-correlation, if any, was applied between template spectrum and preceding one. If no template params are reported ("∼") beyond first spectrum, "blind" coaddition (no relative shifts) was performed. Fscl is flux scale factor bootstrapped from overlap zones with reliable flux ratios, relative to spectrum with best apparent throughput (Fscl= 1).
