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Spliced Dataset UVSUM_1X_56721-56767

Dataset MODE−λcen Aper Range Texp MJD QF Vshft XC Fscl
E140H-1271_31x0.05NC_56721-56766 FITS
1160.1-1350.1 5104 56721.899 105 +1.82
E140M-1425_31x0.05NC_56721-56766 FITS
1170.4-1637.3 4869 56721.847 165 −0.05 1301.17 [0.23] 1.010
E230M-1978_31x0.05NC_56721-56766 FITS
1613.1-2346.6 5112 56721.965 207 −0.96 1631.16 [0.14] 1.042
ocb6l2020 FITS E230H-2463 31×0.05NB 2337.1−2593.5 1897 56728.745 113 +0.24 2344.21 [0.26] 1.475
ocb6l2030 FITS E230H-2513 31×0.05NB 2392.3−2646.8 2548 56728.803 133 −0.04 2586.60 [0.23] 1.306
E230H-2713_31x0.05NB_56722-56767 FITS
2580.6-2833.0 3702 56722.041 170 −0.21 2599.22 [0.11] 1.201
ocb6l2040 FITS E230H-2912 31×0.05NB 2783.8−3047.2 2554 56728.869 116 −0.81 2798.86 [0.22] 1.325

Notes. Aper is abbreviated aperture code (31×0.05NB= 31″×0.05″NDB). Spectral Range is in Å. Texp is total exposure time (in s). MJD is first start time of a sequence. QF is quality factor (average S/N per resel). Vshft is wavelength correction (in km/s) derived from pair-wise cross-correlations. XC are cross-correlation template parameters (λ and [Δλ], in Å). Cross-correlation, if any, was applied between template spectrum and preceding one. If no template params are reported ("∼") beyond first spectrum, "blind" coaddition (no relative shifts) was performed. Fscl is flux scale factor bootstrapped from overlap zones with reliable flux ratios, relative to spectrum with best apparent throughput (Fscl= 1).
