MIRI MRS (IFU) channel

Identifies which channels (1,2,3,4) of IFU data are contained in an exposure. For exposures on the MIRIFUSHORT detector, CHANNEL will indicate that data from both channels 1 and 2 are present with a value of '12'. Similarly, for the MIRIFULONG detector, CHANNEL will be '34' to indicate that data from channels 3 and 4 are present.

Attribute Value
data type string
enumerated Values ['1234', '123', '234', '12', '34', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'ANY', 'N/A']
example 12
default value
special processing VALUE_REQUIRED
source Science Data Processing (SDP)
software source
calculation 12 if MIRI IFU short; 34 if MIRI IFU long; individual 1,2,3,4 may be set by calibration later.
DB destination ['']
data type in DB nvarchar(4)
instrument MIRI
mode MIR_MRS
product level 1b
FITS header section Instrument