[s] Measurement Time

TMEASURE is a pixel-based time in seconds between the first and last measurements along a ramp or integration, multiplied by the number of integrations. It represents the longest possible time interval used by the pipeline to perform an up-the-ramp fit. Ramps with identified cosmic rays and/or that incur saturation have shorter effective measurement times than this. This is the time at the core of the ETC calculations of signal-to-noise ratios (with similar caveats on cosmic rays and saturation).

Attribute Value
data type float
enumerated Values not defined
units seconds
example 1000.0
default value
special processing VALUE_REQUIRED
source Science Data Processing (SDP)
software source
calculation TGROUP * (NGROUPS - 1) * NINTS
DB destination ['ScienceCommon.tmeasure', 'GuideStar.tmeasure']
data type in DB float
instrument ALL
mode All
product level 1b
FITS header section Exposure