Running count of exposures in visit

The EXPCOUNT keyword will be used to count the number of exposures in a visit. The value for the EXPOSURE keyword is intially extracted from the image header in the science telemetry and is reset for each new activity within a visit. Science Data Processing code (SDP) determines a monotonically increasing exposure count within a visit, and capture that number in the EXPCOUNT keyword value. This exposure count will reflect the order in which the exposures were executed.

Attribute Value
data type integer
enumerated Values not defined
default value
special processing VALUE_REQUIRED
source Science Data Processing (SDP)
software source
calculation = int(obsid('ACT_ID')) / count of the exposures in visit
DB destination ['ScienceCommon.expcount']
data type in DB int
instrument Multiple
mode All
product level 1b
FITS header section Exposure