MIRI Coronagraph Keywords Schema Metadata

keyword = <default_val> comment datatype special processing FITS HDU

(special processing: O = optional; R = required; D = Default)

/ Standard parameters SIMPLE = T Data conform to FITS standard boolean D PRIMARY BITPIX = 0 bits per data value integer D PRIMARY NAXIS = 0 Number of axes integer D PRIMARY EXTEND = T file may contain standard extensions boolean D PRIMARY NEXTEND = Number of file extensions integer R PRIMARY / Basic parameters DATE = UTC date file created string R PRIMARY ORIGIN = STSCI institution responsible for creating FITS file string D PRIMARY TIMESYS = UTC principal time system for time-related keywords string D PRIMARY TIMEUNIT = s Default unit applicable to all time values string D PRIMARY FILENAME = Name of the file string R PRIMARY FILETYPE = Type of data in the file string R PRIMARY SDP_VER = data processing software version number string R PRIMARY PRD_VER = S&OC PRD version number used in data processing string R PRIMARY CAL_VER = TBD Calibration Software Version string D PRIMARY CAL_VCS = TBD Calibration Software Repository Version string D PRIMARY TELESCOP = JWST telescope used to acquire the data string D PRIMARY HGA_MOVE = F High Gain Antenna moved during data collection boolean D PRIMARY HGA_STRT = Start time of HGA motion string O PRIMARY HGA_STOP = Stop time of HGA motion string O PRIMARY DATAMODL = Type of data model string O PRIMARY PWFSEET = 0 [d] previous WFS exposure end time in MJD float D PRIMARY NWFSEST = 0 [d] next WFS exposure start time in MJD float D PRIMARY / Programmatic information TITLE = UNKNOWN Proposal title string D PRIMARY PI_NAME = UNKNOWN Principal investigator name string D PRIMARY CATEGORY = Program category string O PRIMARY SUBCAT = Program sub-category string O PRIMARY SCICAT = Science category assigned during TAC process string O PRIMARY CONT_ID = Continuation of previous program integer O PRIMARY / Observation identifiers OBS_ID = Programmatic observation identifier string R PRIMARY VISIT_ID = Visit identifier string R PRIMARY PROGRAM = Program number string R PRIMARY OBSERVTN = Observation number string R PRIMARY VISIT = Visit number string D PRIMARY OBSLABEL = Proposer label for the observation string O PRIMARY OBSFOLDR = Name of the APT observation folder string O PRIMARY DATE-OBS = UTC date at start of exposure string R PRIMARY TIME-OBS = UTC time at start of exposure string R PRIMARY DATE-BEG = Date-time start of exposure string R PRIMARY DATE-END = Date-time end of exposure string R PRIMARY VISITGRP = Visit group identifier string R PRIMARY SEQ_ID = Parallel sequence identifier string R PRIMARY ACT_ID = Activity identifier string R PRIMARY EXPOSURE = Exposure request number string R PRIMARY BKGDTARG = F Background target boolean D PRIMARY TEMPLATE = Observation template used string R PRIMARY ENG_QUAL = OK Engineering DB quality indicator string D PRIMARY ENGQLPTG = Source of pointing keyword values string O PRIMARY IS_PSF = F exposure is PSF Reference boolean D PRIMARY SELFREF = F self-referencing PSF boolean D PRIMARY / Visit information VISITYPE = Visit type string R PRIMARY VSTSTART = UTC visit start time string O PRIMARY VISITSTA = Status of a visit string O PRIMARY NEXPOSUR = Total number of planned exposures in visit integer R PRIMARY INTARGET = At least one exposure in visit is internal boolean O PRIMARY TARGOOPP = F Visit scheduled as target of opportunity boolean D PRIMARY TSOVISIT = Timer Series Observation visit indicator boolean R PRIMARY EXP_ONLY = F Special commanding without SI configuration boolean D PRIMARY CROWDFLD = F Are the FGSes in a crowded field? boolean D PRIMARY / Target information TARGPROP = UNKNOWN Proposer's name for the target string D PRIMARY TARGNAME = Standard astronomical catalog name for target string O PRIMARY TARGTYPE = UNKNOWN Type of target (fixed, moving, generic) string D PRIMARY TARG_RA = 0.0 Target RA at mid time of exposure float D PRIMARY TARG_DEC = 0.0 Target Dec at mid time of exposure float D PRIMARY TARGURA = Target RA uncertainty float O PRIMARY TARGUDEC = Target Dec uncertainty float O PRIMARY MU_RA = Proper motion in right ascension float O PRIMARY MU_DEC = Proper motion in declination float O PRIMARY MU_EPOCH = epoch of the proper motion values string O PRIMARY PROP_RA = Proposer's target RA float O PRIMARY PROP_DEC = Proposer's target Dec float O PRIMARY / Instrument configuration information INSTRUME = Instrument used to acquire the data string R PRIMARY DETECTOR = Name of detector used to acquire the data string R PRIMARY LAMP = NONE Internal lamp state string D PRIMARY FILTER = Name of the filter element used string R PRIMARY CCCSTATE = UNKNOWN Contamination control cover state string D PRIMARY MIRNGRPS = MIRI flight system number of groups integer O PRIMARY MIRNFRMS = MIRI flight system number of frames integer O PRIMARY CORONMSK = coronagraph mask used string R PRIMARY / Exposure parameters EFFEXPTM = [s] Effective exposure time float R PRIMARY DURATION = [s] Total duration of exposure float R PRIMARY GAINFACT = Gain scale factor float O PRIMARY SCTARATE = 0.0 [ms/s] Spacecraft Clock Time Adjust RATE float D PRIMARY EXPCOUNT = Running count of exposures in visit integer R PRIMARY EXPRIPAR = PRIME prime or parallel exposure indicator string D PRIMARY EXPSTART = [d] exposure start time in MJD float R PRIMARY EXPMID = [d] exposure mid time in MJD float R PRIMARY EXPEND = [d] exposure end time in MJD float R PRIMARY EXPSTENG = UTC exposure start time from engineering data string O PRIMARY OSF_FILE = Observatory Status File name covering this exposure string R PRIMARY EXP_TYPE = Type of data in the exposure string R PRIMARY READPATT = Readout pattern string R PRIMARY NINTS = Number of integrations in exposure integer R PRIMARY EXSEGTOT = total number segments integer O PRIMARY EXSEGNUM = sequential segment number integer O PRIMARY INTSTART = Starting integration number in this segment integer O PRIMARY INTEND = Ending integration number in this segment integer O PRIMARY NGROUPS = Number of groups in integration integer R PRIMARY NFRAMES = Number of frames per group integer R PRIMARY GROUPGAP = Number of frames dropped between groups integer R PRIMARY NSAMPLES = Number of A/D samples per pixel integer D PRIMARY TSAMPLE = 10 [us] Time between samples float D PRIMARY TFRAME = [s] Time between frames float R PRIMARY TGROUP = [s] Time between groups float R PRIMARY EFFINTTM = [s] Effective integration time float R PRIMARY NRSTSTRT = Number of resets at start of exposure integer R PRIMARY NRESETS = Number of resets between integrations integer R PRIMARY ZEROFRAM = F Zero frame was downlinked separately boolean D PRIMARY DATAPROB = F Science telemetry indicated a problem boolean D PRIMARY SCA_NUM = Sensor Chip Assembly number integer R PRIMARY DATAMODE = post-processing method used in FPAP integer R PRIMARY FRMDIVSR = Divisor applied to frame-averaged groups integer R PRIMARY DRPFRMS1 = Number of frames dropped prior to first integration integer R PRIMARY DRPFRMS3 = Number of frames dropped between integrations integer R PRIMARY / Association parameters ASNPOOL = Name of the Association Pool string O PRIMARY ASNTABLE = Name of the Association Generator Table string O PRIMARY / Subarray parameters SUBARRAY = Subarray used string R PRIMARY SUBSTRT1 = Starting pixel in axis 1 direction integer R PRIMARY SUBSTRT2 = Starting pixel in axis 2 direction integer R PRIMARY SUBSIZE1 = Number of pixels in axis 1 direction integer R PRIMARY SUBSIZE2 = Number of pixels in axis 2 direction integer R PRIMARY FASTAXIS = Fast readout axis direction integer R PRIMARY SLOWAXIS = Slow readout axis direction integer R PRIMARY / Dither information NUMDTHPT = 1 Total number of points in dither pattern integer D PRIMARY PATT_NUM = 1 Position number within dither pattern integer D PRIMARY XOFFSET = 0.000 X offset in SI ideal coordinate frame float D PRIMARY YOFFSET = 0.000 Y offset in SI ideal coordinate frame float D PRIMARY PATTTYPE = NONE Primary dither pattern type string D PRIMARY / JWST ephemeris information REFFRAME = EME2000 Ephemeris reference frame (EME2000) string D PRIMARY EPH_TYPE = Predicted Definitive or Predicted string D PRIMARY EPH_TIME = [d] MJD time of position and velocity vectors float R PRIMARY JWST_X = [km] X spatial coordinate of JWST float R PRIMARY JWST_Y = [km] Y spatial coordinate of JWST float R PRIMARY JWST_Z = [km] Z spatial coordinate of JWST float R PRIMARY JWST_DX = [km/s] X component of JWST velocity float R PRIMARY JWST_DY = [km/s] Y component of JWST velocity float R PRIMARY JWST_DZ = [km/s] Z component of JWST velocity float R PRIMARY / Aperture information APERNAME = S&OC PRD science aperture used string R PRIMARY PPS_APER = original AperName supplied by PPS string R PRIMARY / Velocity aberration correction information DVA_RA = Velocity aberration correction RA offset (rad) float O PRIMARY DVA_DEC = Velocity aberration correction Dec offset (rad) float O PRIMARY / Time information BARTDELT = [s] Barycentric time correction float O PRIMARY BSTRTIME = [d] Barycentric exposure start time in MJD float O PRIMARY BENDTIME = [d] Barycentric exposure end time in MJD float O PRIMARY BMIDTIME = [d] Barycentric exposure mid time in MJD float O PRIMARY HELIDELT = [s] Heliocentric time correction float O PRIMARY HSTRTIME = [d] Heliocentric exposure start time in MJD float O PRIMARY HENDTIME = [d] Heliocentric exposure end time in MJD float O PRIMARY HMIDTIME = [d] Heliocentric exposure mid time in MJD float O PRIMARY / Reference file information CRDS_VER = Version of CRDS file selection software used string O PRIMARY CRDS_CTX = CRDS context (.pmap) used to select ref files string O PRIMARY R_AREA = Pixel area reference file name string O PRIMARY R_BARSHA = NIRSpec bar shadow reference file name string O PRIMARY R_CAMERA = Nirspec Camera reference file name string O PRIMARY R_COLLIM = Nirspec Collimator reference file name string O PRIMARY R_CUBPAR = IFU cube parameters reference file name string O PRIMARY R_DARK = Dark reference file name string O PRIMARY R_DFLAT = Detector Flat reference file name string O PRIMARY R_DISPER = Disperser reference file name string O PRIMARY R_DISTOR = Distortion reference file name string O PRIMARY R_DRZPAR = Drizzle parameters reference file name string O PRIMARY R_EXTR1D = 1-D extraction parameters reference file name string O PRIMARY R_FFLAT = Fore-optics Flat reference file name string O PRIMARY R_FILOFF = Filter Offset reference file name string O PRIMARY R_FLAT = Flat reference file name string O PRIMARY R_FORE = Nirspec FORE Model reference file name string O PRIMARY R_FPA = Nirspec FPA Model reference file name string O PRIMARY R_FRINGE = Fringe reference file name string O PRIMARY R_GAIN = Gain reference file name string O PRIMARY R_IFUFOR = ifufore reference file name string O PRIMARY R_IFUPOS = ifupost reference file name string O PRIMARY R_IFUSLI = ifuslicer reference file name string O PRIMARY R_IPC = IPC reference file name string O PRIMARY R_LASTFR = Last Frame reference file name string O PRIMARY R_LINEAR = Linearity reference file name string O PRIMARY R_MASK = Mask reference file name string O PRIMARY R_MSA = Nirspec MSA Model reference file name string O PRIMARY R_MSAOPE = MSA operability reference file name string O PRIMARY R_OTE = Nirspec OTE Model reference file name string O PRIMARY R_PERSAT = Persistence saturation reference file name string O PRIMARY R_PHOTOM = Photometric reference file name string O PRIMARY R_PSFMAS = PSF mask reference file name string O PRIMARY R_PTHLOS = Pathloss reference file name string O PRIMARY R_READNO = Read noise reference file name string O PRIMARY R_REFPIX = Reference pixels reference file name string O PRIMARY R_REGION = Regions reference file name string O PRIMARY R_RESAMP = Resample parameters reference file name string O PRIMARY R_RESET = Reset reference file name string O PRIMARY R_RESOL = MRS resolution reference file name string O PRIMARY R_RSCD = RSCD reference file name string O PRIMARY R_SATURA = Saturation reference file name string O PRIMARY R_SFLAT = Spectrograph Flat reference file name string O PRIMARY R_SPCWCS = Spectral distortion reference file name string O PRIMARY R_STRAY = Straylight reference file name string O PRIMARY R_SUPERB = Superbias reference file name string O PRIMARY R_THRPUT = Filter throughput reference file name string O PRIMARY R_TRPDEN = Trap density reference file name string O PRIMARY R_TRPPAR = Trap parameters reference file name string O PRIMARY R_TSPHOT = TSO imaging photometry reference file name string O PRIMARY R_V2V3 = V2_V3 Model reference file name string O PRIMARY R_WAVRAN = Wavelength Range reference file name string O PRIMARY / Calibration step information S_AMIANA = AMI Fringe Analysis string O PRIMARY S_AMIAVG = AMI Fringe Averaging string O PRIMARY S_AMINOR = AMI Fringe Normalization string O PRIMARY S_BARSHA = NIRSpec bar shadow correction string O PRIMARY S_BKDSUB = Background subtraction string O PRIMARY S_COMB1D = 1-D Spectral Combination string O PRIMARY S_DARK = Dark Subtraction string O PRIMARY S_DQINIT = Data Quality Initialization string O PRIMARY S_ERRINI = Error Initialization string O PRIMARY S_EXTR1D = 1-D Spectral Extraction string O PRIMARY S_EXTR2D = 2-D Spectral Extraction string O PRIMARY S_FRSTFR = First Frame Correction string O PRIMARY S_FLAT = Flat Field Correction string O PRIMARY S_FRINGE = Fringe Correction string O PRIMARY S_GANSCL = Gain Scale Correction string O PRIMARY S_GRPSCL = Group scale Correction string O PRIMARY S_GUICDS = Guide Mode CDS computation string O PRIMARY S_IFUCUB = IFU Cube Creation string O PRIMARY S_IMPRNT = NIRSpec MSA Imprint Subtraction string O PRIMARY S_IPC = Interpixel Capacitance Correction string O PRIMARY S_JUMP = Jump Detection string O PRIMARY S_KLIP = Coronagraphic PSF Subtraction string O PRIMARY S_LASTFR = Last Frame Correction string O PRIMARY S_LINEAR = Linearity Correction string O PRIMARY S_MRSMAT = MIRI MRS background matching string O PRIMARY S_MSAFLG = NIRSpec MSA Stuck Shutter Flagging string O PRIMARY S_MSBSUB = Master Background Subtraction string O PRIMARY S_MTWCS = Assign Moving Target World Coordinate System string O PRIMARY S_OUTLIR = Outlier Detection string O PRIMARY S_PTHLOS = Pathloss Correction string O PRIMARY S_PERSIS = Persistence Correction string O PRIMARY S_PHOTOM = Photometric Calibration string O PRIMARY S_PSFALI = Coronagraphic PSF Alignment string O PRIMARY S_PSFSTK = Coronagraphic PSF Stacking string O PRIMARY S_RAMP = Ramp Fitting string O PRIMARY S_REFPIX = Reference Pixel Correction string O PRIMARY S_RESAMP = Image resampling string O PRIMARY S_RESET = Reset Anomaly Correction string O PRIMARY S_RSCD = RSCD correction string O PRIMARY S_SATURA = Saturation Checking string O PRIMARY S_SKYMAT = Sky Background Equalization or Subtraction string O PRIMARY S_SRCCAT = Source Photometry and Morphology string O PRIMARY S_SRCTYP = Source Type Determination string O PRIMARY S_STRAY = Straylight Correction string O PRIMARY S_SUPERB = Superbias Subtraction string O PRIMARY S_TELEMI = Telescope Emission Correction string O PRIMARY S_TSPHOT = TSO Imaging Photometry string O PRIMARY S_TWKREG = Image Alignment via Astronomical Sources string O PRIMARY S_WAVCOR = NIRSpec wavelength correction string O PRIMARY S_WCS = Assign World Coordinate System string O PRIMARY S_WFSCOM = Wavefront Sensing Combination string O PRIMARY S_WHTLIT = TSO White-Light Curve string O PRIMARY / Resampling parameter information NDRIZ = Number of groups/pointings included in resampled product integer O PRIMARY TEXPTIME = [s] Total exposure time for product float O PRIMARY RESWHT = Type of drizzle weighting to use in resampling input string O PRIMARY TCATFILE = Tweakreg catalog filename string O PRIMARY SCATFILE = Source catalog filename string O PRIMARY / Guide star information GS_ORDER = 1 index of guide star within list of selected guide stars integer D PRIMARY GSSTRTTM = UTC time when guide star activity started string O PRIMARY GSENDTIM = UTC time when guide star activity completed string O PRIMARY GDSTARID = guide star identifier string O PRIMARY GS_RA = guide star right ascension float O PRIMARY GS_DEC = guide star declination float O PRIMARY GS_URA = guide star right ascension uncertainty float O PRIMARY GS_UDEC = guide star declination uncertainty float O PRIMARY GS_MAG = guide star magnitude float O PRIMARY GS_UMAG = guide star magnitude uncertainty float O PRIMARY PCS_MODE = Pointing Control System mode string O PRIMARY VISITEND = Observatory UTC time when the visit ended. string O PRIMARY GF_START = Observatory UTC time when the guider function started. string O PRIMARY GF_END = Observatory UTC time when the guider function ended. string O PRIMARY / Background information BKGLEVEL = Computed constant background level float O PRIMARY BKGSUB = Constant background subtracted from data? boolean O PRIMARY MASTERBG = Master background file used string O PRIMARY / SCI XTENSION = IMAGE FITS extension type string D SCI BITPIX = 16 bits per data value integer D SCI NAXIS = 4 Number of axes integer D SCI NAXIS1 = Size of the axis integer R SCI NAXIS2 = Size of the axis integer R SCI NAXIS3 = Size of the axis integer R SCI NAXIS4 = Size of the axis integer O SCI PCOUNT = 0 number of parameter bytes following data table integer D SCI GCOUNT = 1 number of groups integer D SCI BSCALE = 1.0 scale factor for array value to physical value float D SCI BZERO = 32768 physical value for an array value of zero integer D SCI BUNIT = DN physical units of the data array values string D SCI EXTNAME = SCI EXTNAME of the extension containing image string D SCI EXTVER = Extension version number integer R SCI RADESYS = ICRS Name of the coordinate reference frame string D SCI XPOSURE = [s] Effective exposure time float R SCI TELAPSE = [s] Total elapsed exposure time float R SCI MJD-BEG = [d] exposure start time in MJD float R SCI MJD-AVG = [d] exposure mid-point in MJD float R SCI MJD-END = [d] exposure end time in MJD float R SCI TDB-BEG = [d] TDB time of exposure start in MJD float O SCI TDB-MID = [d] TDB time of exposure mid-point in MJD float O SCI TDB-END = [d] TDB time of exposure end in MJD float O SCI PA_APER = 0 Position angle of aperture used (deg) float D SCI VA_SCALE = Velocity aberration scale factor float O SCI PHOTMJSR = Flux density (MJy/steradian) producing 1 cps float O SCI PHOTUJA2 = Flux density (uJy/arcsec2) producing 1 cps float O SCI PIXAR_SR = Nominal pixel area in steradians float O SCI PIXAR_A2 = Nominal pixel area in arcsec^2 float O SCI PA_V3 = [deg] position angle of V3-axis of JWST float O SCI RA_V1 = [deg] RA of telescope V1 axis float O SCI DEC_V1 = [deg] Dec of telescope V1 axis float O SCI / SCI - WCS Parameters V2_REF = V2 coordinate of the reference pixel (SIAF:V2Ref) float R SCI V3_REF = V3 coordinate of the reference pixel (SIAF:V3Ref) float R SCI WCSAXES = 2 number of World Coordinate System axes integer D SCI CRPIX1 = 0.0 Axis 1 pixel coordinate of the reference point float D SCI CRPIX2 = 0.0 Axis 2 pixel coordinate of the reference point float D SCI CRPIX3 = Axis 3 pixel coordinate of the reference point float O SCI CRVAL1 = 0.0 Axis 1 coordinate value at reference point float D SCI CRVAL2 = 0.0 Axis 2 coordinate value at reference point float D SCI CRVAL3 = Axis 3 coordinate value at reference point float O SCI CTYPE1 = RA---TAN Axis 1 type string D SCI CTYPE2 = DEC--TAN Axis 2 type string D SCI CTYPE3 = Axis 3 type string O SCI CUNIT1 = deg Axis 1 units string D SCI CUNIT2 = deg Axis 2 units string D SCI CUNIT3 = Axis 3 units string O SCI CDELT1 = 1.0 Axis 1 coordinate increment at reference point float D SCI CDELT2 = 1.0 Axis 2 coordinate increment at reference point float D SCI CDELT3 = Axis 3 coordinate increment at reference point float O SCI PC1_1 = -1.0 Linear transformation matrix float D SCI PC1_2 = 0 Linear transformation matrix float D SCI PC1_3 = 0.0 Linear transformation matrix float D SCI PC2_1 = 0 Linear transformation matrix float D SCI PC2_2 = 1 Linear transformation matrix float D SCI PC2_3 = 0.0 Linear transformation matrix float D SCI PC3_1 = Linear transformation matrix float O SCI PC3_2 = Linear transformation matrix float O SCI PC3_3 = Linear transformation matrix float O SCI S_REGION = spatial extent of the observation, footprint string O SCI VPARITY = 1 Parity (sense) of aperture settings (1, -1) integer D SCI V3I_YANG = 0.0 Direction angle in V3 (Y) float D SCI WAVSTART = Lower bound of the default wavelength range float O SCI WAVEND = Upper bound of the default wavelength range float O SCI SPORDER = Default spectral order integer O SCI PS3_0 = Coordinate table extension name string O SCI PS3_1 = Coordinate table column name string O SCI RA_REF = 0.0 Right Ascension of the reference point (deg) float D SCI DEC_REF = 0.0 Declination of the reference point (deg) float D SCI ROLL_REF = 0.0 Telescope roll angle of V3 North over East at the ref. point (deg) float D SCI VELOSYS = [m/s] Radial velocity wrt Barycenter float O SCI SPECSYS = Spectral reference frame string O SCI DISPAXIS = Dispersion direction integer O SCI XREF_SCI = Aperture X reference point in SCI frame float O SCI YREF_SCI = Aperture Y reference point in SCI frame float O SCI MT_RA = [deg] Moving target RA at exposure mid-point float O SCI MT_DEC = [deg] Moving target Dec at exposure mid-point float O SCI MT_AVRA = [deg] Moving target average RA over exposures float O SCI MT_AVDEC = [deg] Moving target average DEC over exposures float O SCI / GROUPDQ XTENSION = IMAGE FITS extension type string D GROUPDQ BITPIX = 8 bits per data value integer D GROUPDQ NAXIS = Number of axes integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS1 = Size of the axis integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS2 = Size of the axis integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS3 = Size of the axis integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS4 = Size of the axis integer O GROUPDQ PCOUNT = 0 number of parameter bytes following data table integer D GROUPDQ GCOUNT = 1 number of groups integer D GROUPDQ EXTNAME = GROUPDQ EXTNAME of the extension containing image string D GROUPDQ EXTVER = 1 integer D GROUPDQ / REFOUT XTENSION = IMAGE FITS extension type string D REFOUT BITPIX = 16 bits per data value integer D REFOUT NAXIS = 4 Number of axes integer D REFOUT NAXIS1 = 0 Size of the axis integer D REFOUT NAXIS2 = 0 Size of the axis integer D REFOUT NAXIS3 = 0 Size of the axis integer D REFOUT NAXIS4 = 0 Size of the axis integer D REFOUT PCOUNT = 0 number of parameter bytes following data table integer D REFOUT GCOUNT = 1 number of groups integer D REFOUT BSCALE = 1.0 scale factor for array value to physical value float D REFOUT BZERO = 32768 physical value for an array value of zero integer D REFOUT EXTNAME = REFOUT extension name containing miri ref frame data string D REFOUT END