Programmatic observation identifier

An example of the OBS_ID and related keywords -
OBS_ID = 'V80600013001P0000000002101' / Programmatic observation identifier
VISIT_ID= '80600013001' / Visit identifier
PROGRAM = '80600 ' / Program number
OBSERVTN= '013 ' / Observation number
VISIT = '001 ' / Visit number
VISITGRP= '02 ' / Visit group identifier
SEQ_ID = '1 ' / Parallel sequence identifier
ACT_ID = '01 ' / Activity identifier
EXPOSURE= '1 ' / Exposure request number
visit_id = Program number + Observation number + Visit number

The OBS_ID = 'V' + visit_id + 'P' + parallel-program number + parallel-observation number + visit group identifier + parallel sequence identifier + activity_identifier.

The eight characters after the 'P' are only populated with non-zero values of the parallel program number and observation number if the exposure is a parallel. Parallel observations occur in the same visit as the prime observation, so the visit number is not needed after the 'P'. For a prime exposure with one or more exposures executing in parallel, only the prime program number and observation number will be populated. For a parallel exposure, both the prime program number / observation number and the parallel program number / observation number will be populated.

The exposure_id is not included in the OBS_ID. It is a separate field in the science image header of the ssr file.

Some of the nomenclature is confusing, especially the over use of observation in programmatic observation identifier and observation number.

Attribute Value
data type string
enumerated Values not defined
example V80600004001P0000000002101
default value
special processing VALUE_REQUIRED
source Science Image Header
software source
DB destination ['ScienceCommon.obs_id', 'GuideStar.obs_id']
data type in DB nvarchar(26)
instrument Multiple
mode All
product level 1a
FITS header section Observation identifiers