This keyword indicates the source/quality of the spacecraft pointing keywords. The input mnemonics required to calculate the pointing are queried from the Engineering telemetry database for the time range of the exposure. If the mnemonics are NOT found, the planned pointing, from keywords TARG_RA/TARG_DEC, are used and ENGQLPTG is set to PLANNED. If the input mnemonics are retrieved, the spacecraft pointing values are calculated from them and ENGQLPTG is set to one of the following: CALCULATED (an alias for CALCULATED_ORIGINAL); CALCULATED_ORIGINAL (pointing calculated by the original, pre-finalized algorithm based on spacecraft orientation); CALCULATED_COARSE_TR_202107 (pointing calculated for COARSE mode tracking from the 2021-07 version of the Technical Report (TR)); CALCULATED_COARSE_TR_202111 (pointing calculated for COARSE mode tracking from the 2021-11 version of the TR); CALCULATED_GSCMD (pointing calculated based on commanded guide star position); CALCULATED_GSCMD_V3PAGS (pointing calculated using estimated V3 position angle), CALCULATED_TR_202105 (pointing calculated from spacecraft orientation without velocity aberration correction from the 2021-05 version of the TR); CALCULATED_TR_202105_VA (pointing calculated from spacecraft orientation with velocity aberration correction from the 2021-05 version of the TR); CALCULATED_TRACK_TR_202107 (pointing calculated for TRACK/FINEGUIDE mode tracking from the 2021-07 version of the TR); or CALCULATED_TRACK_TR_202111 (pointing calculated for TRACK/FINEGUIDE/MOVING mode tracking from the 2021-11 version of the TR).
Attribute | Value |
data type | string |
units | |
example | CALCULATED |
default value | |
special processing | OPTIONAL |
source | Calibration Software |
software source | |
calculation | |
DB destination | ['ScienceCommon.engqlptg'] |
data type in DB | nvarchar(50) |
instrument | ALL |
mode | All |
product level | 1b |
FITS header section | Observation identifiers |