Identifies the NIRSpec fixed slit aperture to be used. The FXD_SLIT keyword value will be one of the five fixed slits for single-object spectroscopy (S200A1, S200A2, S200B1, S400A1, S1600A1).
Attribute | Value |
data type | string |
enumerated Values | ['S200A1', 'S200A2', 'S200B1', 'S400A1', 'S1600A1', 'NONE'] |
units | |
example | S200A1 |
default value | NONE |
special processing | not defined |
source | PPS |
software source | PPS:dms_exposure_specification_view.slit |
calculation | |
DB destination | ['NirspecScience.fxd_slit'] |
data type in DB | nvarchar(20) |
instrument | NIRSPEC |
mode | All |
product level | 1b |
FITS header section | Instrument |