Identifies the exposure as PRIME, PARALLEL_COORDINATED, or PARALLEL_PURE. The value is derived from the Observation ID: it is PRIME if the parallel program after 'P' is zeroes (e.g., V87500020001P0000000002101), PARALLEL_COORDINATED if the prime program after 'V' and the parallel program after 'P' are the same (e.g., V93135324001P9313532302201), PARALLEL_PURE if the parallel program after 'P' is non-zero and different than prime program after 'V' (e.g., V95115001001P9600200102201).
Attribute | Value |
data type | string |
units | |
example | PRIME |
default value | PRIME |
special processing | not defined |
source | |
software source | |
calculation | compare obs_id[1-5] with obs_id[13-17] |
DB destination | ['ScienceCommon.expripar'] |
data type in DB | nvarchar(20) |
instrument | Multiple |
mode | All |
product level | 1b |
FITS header section | Exposure |