Position angle of aperture used with target (deg). The S&OC Project Reference Database (S&OC PRD) definition of an aperture includes a reference position in the V2-V3 frame. The position angle of the aperture reference position is calculated from the position angle of the V3 axis and S&OC PRD defined translations from V2-V3 to aperture reference frames.
Attribute | Value |
data type | float |
enumerated Values | not defined |
units | degrees |
example | |
default value | 0 |
special processing | not defined |
source | Proposal and Planning System (PPS) |
software source | |
calculation | |
DB destination | ['ScienceCommonExt.pa_aper'] |
data type in DB | float |
instrument | Multiple |
mode | All |
product level | 1b |
FITS hdu | SCI |
FITS header section | Aperture |