keyword = <default_val> comment datatype special processing FITS HDU
(special processing: O = optional; R = required; D = Default)
/ Standard parameters SIMPLE = T Data conform to FITS standard boolean D PRIMARY BITPIX = 0 bits per data value integer D PRIMARY NAXIS = 0 Number of axes integer D PRIMARY EXTEND = T file may contain standard extensions boolean D PRIMARY NEXTEND = Number of file extensions integer R PRIMARY / Basic parameters DATE = UTC date file created string R PRIMARY ORIGIN = STSCI institution responsible for creating FITS file string D PRIMARY TIMESYS = UTC principal time system for time-related keywords string D PRIMARY TIMEUNIT = s Default unit applicable to all time values string D PRIMARY FILENAME = Name of the file string R PRIMARY SDP_VER = Data Processing (DP) Software Version string R PRIMARY PRD_VER = S&OC Project Reference Database (PRD) Version string R PRIMARY OSS_VER = Observatory Scheduling Software (OSS) Version string R PRIMARY GSC_VER = Guide Star Catalog (GSC) Version string R PRIMARY CAL_VER = TBD Calibration Software Version string D PRIMARY CAL_VCS = TBD Calibration Software Repository Version string D PRIMARY TELESCOP = JWST telescope used to acquire the data string D PRIMARY HGA_MOVE = F High Gain Antenna moved during data collection boolean D PRIMARY HGA_STRT = Start time of HGA motion string O PRIMARY HGA_STOP = Stop time of HGA motion string O PRIMARY DATAMODL = Type of data model string O PRIMARY PWFSEET = 0 [d] previous WFS exposure end time in MJD float D PRIMARY NWFSEST = 0 [d] next WFS exposure start time in MJD float D PRIMARY COMPRESS = F On-board data compression was used (T/F) boolean D PRIMARY / Observation identifiers OBS_ID = Programmatic observation identifier string R PRIMARY VISIT_ID = Visit identifier string R PRIMARY PROGRAM = Program number string R PRIMARY OBSERVTN = Observation number string R PRIMARY VISIT = Visit number string D PRIMARY OBSLABEL = Proposer label for the observation string O PRIMARY OBSFOLDR = Name of the APT observation folder string O PRIMARY / Instrument configuration information INSTRUME = Instrument used to acquire the data string R PRIMARY DETECTOR = Name of detector used to acquire the data string R PRIMARY / MSA configuration parameters PPSDBVER = PPS database version string D PRIMARY MSACFG10 = Unique ID of all the MSA configs within a visit integer D PRIMARY MSACFG36 = Unique ID of all MSA configs in visit (base 36) string D PRIMARY / SCI XTENSION = IMAGE FITS extension type string D SCI BITPIX = 16 bits per data value integer D SCI NAXIS = 4 Number of axes integer D SCI NAXIS1 = Size of the axis integer R SCI NAXIS2 = Size of the axis integer R SCI NAXIS3 = Size of the axis integer R SCI NAXIS4 = Size of the axis integer O SCI PCOUNT = 0 number of parameter bytes following data table integer D SCI GCOUNT = 1 number of groups integer D SCI BSCALE = 1.0 scale factor for array value to physical value float D SCI BZERO = 32768 physical value for an array value of zero integer D SCI BUNIT = DN physical units of the data array values string D SCI EXTNAME = SCI EXTNAME of the extension containing image string D SCI EXTVER = Extension version number integer R SCI / GROUPDQ XTENSION = IMAGE FITS extension type string D GROUPDQ BITPIX = 8 bits per data value integer D GROUPDQ NAXIS = Number of axes integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS1 = Size of the axis integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS2 = Size of the axis integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS3 = Size of the axis integer R GROUPDQ NAXIS4 = Size of the axis integer O GROUPDQ PCOUNT = 0 number of parameter bytes following data table integer D GROUPDQ GCOUNT = 1 number of groups integer D GROUPDQ EXTNAME = GROUPDQ EXTNAME of the extension containing image string D GROUPDQ EXTVER = 1 Extension version number integer D GROUPDQ END