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A cross-correlation analysis offers both a convenient and efficient
method of determining wavelength shifts for a series of test spectra with
respect to a reference spectrum. This is largely because it utilizes the
aggregate signal contained in the spectrum. No pre-conditions are
required in terms of the shapes or positions of individual spectral features.
Thus, the presence of practical problems such as line blending or continuum
placement do not degrade the accuracy of the solution
as long as these as errors are independent of wavelength.
Even a limited signal-to-noise ratio will decrease the precision of the result,
but it does not introduce a bias. To implement the cross-correlation analysis
we used the IUEDAC
IDL routine CRSCOR. This program is
itself a ``wrapper" for a small IDL collection of programs. It computes the
cross (auto) correlation function according to its definition: that is, by
shifting iteratively a test spectrum with respect to the reference by a
series of regularly spaced wavelength increments and computing the sum of
the product of the flux differences of the shifted and unshifted spectrum
at each pixel within a specified wavelength or velocity range. This maximum
of this function is located by least-squares polynomial fitting. For
echelle data the natural unit is velocity, and so the pixel
shift produced by the program is converted to km s-1 as an output option.
As implemented, CRSCOR truncates the start and ending wavelengths of
the spectral array to the same values, thereby avoiding the generation of
any false ``noise" due to wrap-around of shifted arrays.
The program interpolates the test
spectrum to the wavelength grid of the reference template to accommodate
subpixel wavelength shifts. This step also
facilitates comparisons with spectra from other instruments. To test these
interpolations we cross-correlated several test spectra against copies of
themselves by using a similar (but not identical) set of wavelengths
from other observations of the same target.
This comparison tests the accuracy of interpolating spectra
observed at discrete wavelengths. We found that interpolations to one set
of wavelengths produce false shifts of always less than
± 1.0 km s-1.
Our procedure was to run CRSCOR iteratively for each echelle
order and to evaluate the net shift of the order as a whole wavelength
segment. In our procedures we took care to screen the data for
known pathologies of the IUE cameras. For example, fluxes
near the edges of the order (particularly the long-wavelength end for
the SWP camera) were avoided because the noise is high and also because
systematic errors can be large in the blaze ``ripple correction"
(Gonzalez-Riestra et al. 1998). Such errors often mean sloped continua,
which can lead to a small bias in line centroid positions.
We also excluded small groups of pixels with negative data quality flags
(usually associated with instrumental ``reseaux") because their fluxes
are generally meaningless. In these cases, we interpolated the fluxes
from neighboring pixels. This step has the effect of adding incrementally
to random noise but does not introduce a random shift unless the interpolated
regions in the two spectra being compared are extensive and have different
slopes. Apart from specific tests on zero-point shifts of
interstellar line systems (
discussed below,
we did not exclude interstellar lines from our cross-correlations.
Although these lines are formed in a velocity frame shifted from the
photospheric lines, the resulting wavelength shift can be assumed to be
the same for different instruments because the cross-correlation routine
does not distinguish between features formed in various velocity frames.
For example, we did not have to exclude ``wind" lines because the shifts
from orders including these lines did not differ noticeably from shifts of
adjacent orders.
In comparing IUE spectra with spectra from the HST GHRS
and STIS instruments, we convolved the HST data by gaussian
broadenings to make their resolutions equivalent to IUE spectra.
When all these steps were carried out, we experimented with
CRSCOR in an interactive mode for the investigations discussed
4. After finding that shifts arising from unflagged data
pathologies are rare, we automated the program in order to compare large
groups of spectra efficiently.
Next: The Calibration of Wavelengths
Up: Procedures and Calibrations
Previous: Procedures and Calibrations