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E Selected Forms

The following forms are included in this appendix:

  1. Scheduling Update form.
  2. Assignment of Responsibility form.
  3. Change of Address form.
  4. Observation Specification form and instructions.

Additional copies of these as well as all other forms are available on request from the observatory.


The information submitted on the Observation Specification Form is used for scheduling Observatory operations and for estimating the exposure times required for each object. One full-size Observation Specification Form should be returned with a regular episode proposal. For added targets and the initial requests for discretionary time, a copy of the reduced size form contained in this appendix is acceptable. Upon approval of a discretionary time program, the proposer will be asked to complete a full size form if he/she has not already done so. Full size forms are available on request from the observatory. An attempt has been made to provide an information format flexible enough to satisfy each user's observing needs, and every attempt will be made to schedule in accordance with the information given.

The IUE Project expects to be experimenting with increasingly automated scheduling routines in preparation for future episodes and IUE observational "windows" restricted by spacecraft constraints that worsen as the spacecraft ages. To ensure that your high priority objects receive greater consideration in scheduling, the importance of each target to your program should be noted in the target priority (RANK) columns of the Observation Specification Form. See the end of this section for detailed instructions on completing the form and specifying priority. Examples which show how the Observation Specification Form should be filled out for various types of objects are included.

Target coordinates are to be specified in 1950 epoch, giving right ascension to a tenth of a second of time and declination to one second of arc. Valid coordinates are necessary because the accuracy of a spacecraft maneuver depends upon the positional accuracy of both the desired target and the previously observed object. The necessity of having an accurate position is not reduced by any presumed "ease" of identifying the target. Furthermore, these coordinates are used to verify that requested (post-peer-review) additions to one program do not duplicate targets on another approved program.

When filling out the forms please note the following:

  1. The list of catalog codes to be used for specifying object names has been reduced compared to some previous years' lists. In general, coding was retained for (a) objects whose designations are larger than 8 characters, and (b) HD, HR and NGC numbers, since their coordinates are verified from tape files at GSFC. For these it is necessary for the object numbers to be right-justified, with no leading zeroes.
  2. "O" means the letter "oh".
    "Ø" means the number "zero".
  3. The FORMAT given in the parameter description below refers to the standard FORTRAN format field specification under which the item will be read. Formats of the type Fn.0 can accept integer or floating point numbers. The decimal point, if omitted, is assumed to be to the right of the rightmost digit position in the field.
  4. Except where noted, all entries should be right justified within the appropriate fields.
  5. A new object class, 69, has been defined for Herbig-Haro objects.

Sequence Number SEQ I3 l-3
Integer running from l to N, where N is the total number of entries.
Catalog Source A A1 4
The preferred catalog source is the HD.

- Bright Star Catalog
- BD
- CD
- Boss General Catalog
- HD catalog
- PG numbers
- Parkes catalog numbers
- other extragalactic sources with designations of the form HHMMDM; e.g., Burbidge catalog of quasars
- SAO catalog numbers
- X-ray sources with designations of the form HHMM±DDM; e.g., 2A, MXB, 4 U numbers.
- other designations as chosen by the observer; e.g., RHO CAS, AR PAV, 3Cl20 (right justified)
Object Number/Name IDENT A8 5-12
Eight alpha-numeric characters, right justified.

Y XXXX XXXX is the Bright Star Catalog number
1 ±XX YYYY BD number X = declination zone (omit minus
2 XX YYYYY CD number sign for CD and CPD entries)
3 XX YYYYY CPD number Y = star number
G XXXXX XXXXX is the GC number
H XXXXXX XXXXXX is the HD number
N XXXX XXXX is the NGC number
P XXXX±YYY XXXX is the RA portion of the designation
K XXXX±YYY in the form HHMM
Q XXXX±YYY YYY is the Dec portion of the designation
X XXXX±YYY in the form DDM
S XXXXXX XXXXXX is the SAO number
O XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX is specified by the observer

Coordinates (1950 epoch only)
Spectral Type SP A2 35-36

Spectral types are used to derive exposure times.
First character-one of the letters W, O, B, A, F, G, K, M, C, R, N, S.
Any other character will be treated as an M.
Second character-one of the digits 0-9; C or N for WC, WN.
If no type is specified, B0 is assumed for exposure time estimation.

Luminosity Class L I1 38
A single digit from 1 to 9 given as follows. If not specified, a default value of 5 will be assumed.
Ib 1
II 2
IV 4
V 5
SD 6
WD 7
Ia 8
Iab 9
Brightness Mode Indicator E/F A1 40
Indicates the type of information specified in the next two fields
(blank) means VIS MAG and B-V.
E means VIS MAG and E(B-V).
Visual Magnitude VIS MAG F6.2 42-47
For BRIGHTNESS MODE E or blank, specify visual magnitude, right justified.
Color or Wavelength B-V/E(B-V) F6.2 49-54
If BRIGHTNESS MODE is blank, specify B-V. If omitted, the target is treated as unreddened. For BRIGHTNESS MODE E, specify E(B-V). If omitted, the target is treated as unreddened. Should be right justified.
Resolution R I1 56
R=1 (HIGH)
R=2 (LOW)
R=3 (BOTH)
Wavelength Range W I1 57
W=1 (LONG)
W=3 (BOTH)
Target Priority RANK I3 59-61
To assist the Observatory in scheduling programs, targets should be ranked by priority, with RANK=1 being the highest. Targets of equal priority can be given equal ranking and rankings need not be sequential. Backup targets, for instance, can be given much lower ranking than the primary targets. If all targets have equal priority and no preferences exist, all targets should be assigned RANK=1. Right justify.
Day of Observation DAY F7.3 70-76
Day of year for the desired time of observation if the date and/or time of observation is scientifically critical beyond the normal beta-angle requirements. This may be specified with a time resolution of up to 0.001 days, and should be right justified. The year is implied by the approximate dates of the observing episode (12 months in length) beginning in June. In order to ensure that requests for specific dates and/or times are considered by the Observatory's scheduler, the Principal Investigator should communicate the program's requirements in writing to the Observatory immediately following program approval.
Object Class OBJ CLASS A3 78-80
Classify each target according to the codes (01 through 99) supplied on the enclosed description of Object Classification. Right justify.

Examples of Entries on the IUE Observation Specification Form

The following examples should clarify any questions regarding the application of the coding form parameters.

EXAMPLE 1 HD 30614 is to be observed at high resolution (R=1), both long and short wavelength (W=3). Visual magnitudes and B-V are specified (E/F = blank). It is a backup for high radiation shifts and has been given a low (relative) priority (RANK = 10).

EXAMPLE 2 HD 36512 is to be observed at low resolution (R=2), long wavelength (W=1). Visual magnitude and E(B-V) are specified (E/F=E). It too is given a RANK = 10.

EXAMPLE 3 C 273 is to be observed at low resolution (R=2), short wavelength (W=2). An approximate visual magnitude is given. A spectral type entry is not appropriate and so it is omitted.

EXAMPLE 4 AND 5 NGC 4472 is to be observed at low resolution (R=2) and both long and short wavelength (W=3). The short wavelength exposure, as well as those planned for target 7, are the highest priority observations to be made and are assigned RANK = 1. The long wavelength exposure is often a lower, but still important, priority (RANK = 2).

EXAMPLE 6 Jupiter is to be observed on July 29, when it is in a region which will not cause heating of the on-board computer (beta angle=47 degrees). The observer should check the position of the Moon before requesting a specific date or time.

EXAMPLE 7 The subdwarf O star BD+28 4211 is the desired target.

EXAMPLE 8 RU Peg is a variable star, an example of an "OTHER" Catalog Source.

EXAMPLE 9 PKS 2216-038 is the target. Even if the observer does not care about the exposure time (an 8-hour exposure is not expected to overexpose the spectrum of this source), he should still provide as much information as possible, for example the visual magnitude and (B-V), so that it can be included in the observatory log.

Classification of Objects Used in the IUE Observation Log
00 Sun 50 R, N, or S Type Star
01 Earth 51 Long-Period Variable Stars
02 Moon 52 Irregular Variables
03 Planet 53 Regular Variables
04 Planetary Satellite 54 Dwarf Novae
05 Minor Planet 55 Classical Novae
06 Comet 56 Supernovae
07 Interplanetary Medium and Sky Background 57 Symbiotic Stars
08 Great Red Spot 58 T Tauri stars
09 59 X-Ray Source
10 WC 60 Shell Star
11 WN 61 Eta Carinae
12 Main Sequence O 62 Pulsar
13 Supergiant O 63 Nova-Like
14 Oe 64 Other
15 Of 65 Misidentified Targets
16 O sub-dwarf 66 Interacting Binary Stars
17 WD O 67
18 68
19 Other Strong UV Sources 69 Herbig-Haro Objects
20 B0-B2 V-IV 70 Planetary Nebula + Central Star
21 B3-B5 V-IV 71 Planetary Nebula - Central Star
22 B6-B9.5 V-IV 72 H II Region
23 B0-B2 III-I 73 Reflection, Nebula
24 B3-85 III-I 74 Dark Cloud (Absorption Spectrum)
25 B6-B9.5 III-I 75 Supernova Remnant
26 Be 76 Ring Nebula (Shock Ionized)
27 Bp 77
28 B sub-dwarf 78
29 WDB 79
30 A0-A3 V-IV 80 Spiral Galaxy
31 A4-A9 V-IV 81 Elliptical Galaxy
32 A0-A3 III-I 82 Irregular Galaxy
33 A4-A9 III-I 83 Globular Cluster
34 Ae 84 Seyfert Galaxy
35 Am 85 Quasar
36 Ap 86 Radio Galaxy
37 WDA 87 BL Lacertae Object
38 Horizontal Branch Stars 88 Emission Line Galaxy (Non-Seyfert)
39 Composite Spectral Types 89
40 F0-F2 90 Intergalactic Medium
41 F3-F9 91
42 Fp 92
43 Late-Type Degenerates 93
44 G V-IV 94
45 G III-I 95
46 K V-IV 96
47 K III-I 97
48 M V-IV 98 Wavelength Calibration Lamp
49 M III-I 99 Nulls and Flat Fields

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Last updated: 28 July 1997