Next: World Coordinates in Tables
Previous: Proposed TSORTKEY Convention
HEASARC uses the following keywords to specify the limits on data in a
table column. They are analogous to the DATAMAX and
DATAMIN keywords used for arrays.
- TDMAXn is the maximum value in column n of a table,
exclusive of null or fill values.
- TDMINn is the minimum value in column n of a table,
exclusive of null or fill values.
- TLMAXn is the maximum permissible value in column
n of a table.
- TLMINn is the minimum permissible value in column n
of a table.
For example, if the third column in a table of positions was declination,
then the following keywords might be present.
TFORM3 = '1E '
TLMAX3 = 90.00
TLMIN3 = -90.00
TDMAX3 = 46.00
TDMIN3 = -63.10
HEASARC also recommends the following restrictions when these
keywords are used:
- The data type of the keyword value should be the same as that of
the data in the column it describes.
- The keywords are to refer to all elements of a vector column
- As with DATAMAX and DATAMIN, the keywords apply to
the values after any scaling prescribed by the values of the
TZEROn and TSCALn keywords has been applied.
- Values of TDMINn less than those of TLMINn and
values of TDMAXn greater than those of TLMAXn
are permissible; the meaning is not defined in this convention.
- If the value of the keyword for the maximum is less than that of the
value of that for the minimum, then the values are taken to be
Next: World Coordinates in Tables
Previous: Proposed TSORTKEY Convention