(The first two lines following are provided to help the reader determine column numbers. They are not part of FITS headers.)
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
DATE = '28/09/94' / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)
DATE-MAP= '10/07/94' / Date of original file creation (dd/mm/yy)
ORIGIN = 'CDAC ' / Cosmology Data Analysis Center
TELESCOP= 'COBE ' / COsmic Background Explorer satellite
OBJECT = 'ALL-SKY ' / part of sky given [ALL-SKY, WEEKLY-SKY,
EQUINOX = 2000.0 / equinox of coords in following tables
REFERENC= 'DIRBE Explanatory Supplement' /
COMMENT COBE specific keywords
DATE-BEG= '11/12/89' / date of initial data represented (dd/mm/yy)
DATE-END= '21/09/90' / date of final data represented (dd/mm/yy)
PIXRESOL= 9 / Quad tree pixel resolution [6, 9]
COMMENT DIRBE specific keywords
PRODUCT = 'B09_AAM ' / Band 9 Annual Average Sky Map
VERSION = 'Pass 2B ' / Version of Data Reduction Software
WAVE9 = '140. microns' / nominal wavelength of Band 9
SOLELONG= 'ALL ' / all available solar elongations included
APPVEC = 'COMBINED' / approach vectors combined
ZLREMOV = 'NO ' / signal from zodiacal dust remains in map
(8 card images of ASCII blanks)
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Extension type is Binary Table
BITPIX = 8 / Binary data
NAXIS = 2 / Data are in a table
NAXIS1 = 27 / Number of 8 bit bytes in each row
NAXIS2 = 393216 / Number of rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Number of bytes of data following table
GCOUNT = 1 / Group count (always 1 for bintable extensions)
TFIELDS = 7 / Number of fields (columns) in the table
TIMVERSN= 'OGIP/93-003' / OGIP memo number where the convention
COMMENT / is described
COMMENT The times reported in this file are atomic seconds elapsed
COMMENT since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1981. Time information is
COMMENT recorded in a manner consistent with the convention specified
COMMENT in OGIP/93-003 with the understanding that time is counted
COMMENT in atomic seconds and the origin of time (MJDREF) is quoted
COMMENT in ephemeris MJD.
TIMESYS = '1981.00 ' / time system (same as IRAS)
MJDREFI = 44605 / Integer portion of ephemeris MJD
COMMENT / corresponding to 0h UTC 1 Jan 1981
MJDREFF = 0.00059240741 / Fractional portion of ephemeris MJD
COMMENT / corresponding to 0h UTC 1 Jan 1981
TIMEUNIT= 's ' / unit for TSTART, TSTOP, TIMEZERO = seconds
TSTART = 282185275.611 / observation start time in TIMESYS system
TSTOP = 306753235.358 / observation stop time in TIMESYS system
COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT *******************************************************************
COMMENT Annual Average Sky Map -- 140. microns
COMMENT Mission-averaged photometric measurements and cumulative
COMMENT sky coverage data for DIRBE Band 9 (140. microns).
COMMENT The photometry is computed from the weighted average of all
COMMENT available weekly-averaged maps for the entire mission,
COMMENT up to the time when the cryogen supply was exhausted.
COMMENT The foreground signal from Zodiacal dust remains in the map.
COMMENT *******************************************************************
COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT ====================================================================
COMMENT Coordinate Information (Spatial and Temporal):
COMMENT ===================================================================
COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT DIRBE Pixel number (resolution 9)
TTYPE1 = 'Pixel_no' / entire fieldname = Pixel_no
TUNIT1 = ' ' /
TFORM1 = '1J ' /
COMMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT Sub-pixel containing the mean DIRBE LOS (line-of-sight)
COMMENT when pixel is divided into 256
COMMENT sub-pixels (16x16 grid) according to
COMMENT standard quad-sphere rules.
TTYPE2 = 'PSubPos ' / entire fieldname = Pixel_subpos
TUNIT2 = ' ' /
TFORM2 = '1B ' /
COMMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT Time in TAI seconds since 01-JAN-1981:00:00:00.000 UTC.
COMMENT This is the average time of all observations of a pixel
COMMENT within the time interval TSTART to TSTOP,
COMMENT regardless of the weight assigned to a particular observation.
COMMENT For this product, not a physically meaningful quantity.
TTYPE3 = 'Time ' / entire fieldname = Time
TUNIT3 = ' ' /
TFORM3 = '1D ' /
COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT ===================================================================
COMMENT DIRBE Sky Brightness Information:
COMMENT ===================================================================
COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT Cumulative weighted average of the 140. micron photometry.
COMMENT This average is calculated using the weighted number of
COMMENT observations from each Weekly Averaged Map ( WtNumObs from
COMMENT the Weekly Averaged Map) as the weight, such that
COMMENT annual_average =
COMMENT sum( weekly_average * weekly_weight )/ sum( weekly_weight)
COMMENT The photometric measurement is given as a
COMMENT spectral intensity, I(nu) in MJy/sr, and
COMMENT is quoted at the nominal wavelength
COMMENT for a source with nu*I(nu) = constant -- i.e.,
COMMENT a color correction is required if the source
COMMENT spectrum differs from nu*I(nu) = constant.
COMMENT Data which have been replaced by flagged values
COMMENT in processing have values .LE. -16375.
TTYPE4 = 'Photomet' / entire fieldname = Photometry
TUNIT4 = 'MJy/sr ' /
TFORM4 = '1E ' /
COMMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT The standard deviation of the (weighted) average photometry
COMMENT values.
TTYPE5 = 'StdDev ' / entire fieldname = Standard_deviation
TUNIT5 = 'MJy/sr ' /
TFORM5 = '1E ' /
COMMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT Sum of the weekly weighted number of observations that went into
COMMENT forming the annual averages.
TTYPE6 = 'WtNumObs' / entire fieldname = Weighted_num_obs
TUNIT6 = ' ' /
TFORM6 = '1I ' /
COMMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT Sum of the total number of observations available, regardless
COMMENT of assigned weight.
TTYPE7 = 'SumNRecs' / entire fieldname = Sum_numrecs
TUNIT7 = ' ' /
TFORM7 = '1J ' /
COMMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(20 card images of ASCII blanks)