The following notation is used in defining the formal syntax.
:= means ``is defined to be''
X | Y means one of X or Y (no ordering relation is implied)
[X] means that X is optional
X... means X is repeated 1 or more times
`B' means the ASCII character B
`A'-`Z' means one of the ASCII characters A through Z
0xnn means the ASCII character associated with the hexadecimal code nn
{...} expresses a constraint or a comment (it immediately follows the syntax rule)
The following statements define the formal syntax used in
FITS free format card images.
FITS_card_image :=
FITS_commentary_card_image | FITS_value_card_image
FITS_commentary_card_image :=
COMMENT_keyword [ascii_text_char...] |
HISTORY_keyword [ascii_text_char...] |
BLANKFIELD_keyword [ascii_text_char...] |
keyword_field anychar_but_equal [ascii_text_char...] |
keyword_field '=' anychar_but_space [ascii_text_char...]
{Constraint: The total number of characters in a
FITS_commentary_card_image must be exactly equal to 80.}
FITS_value_card_image :=
keyword_field value_indicator [space...] [value] [space...] [comment]
{Constraint: The total number of characters in a FITS_value_card_image
must be exactly equal to 80.}
{Comment: If the value field is not present, the value of the
FITS keyword is not defined.}
keyword_field :=
[keyword_char...] [space...]
{Constraint: The total number of characters in the keyword_field must
be exactly equal to 8.}
keyword_char :=
`A'-`Z' | `0'-`9' | `_' | `-'
COMMENT_keyword :=
`C' `O' `M' `M' `E' `N' `T' space
HISTORY_keyword :=
`H' `I' `S' `T' `O' `R' `Y' space
BLANKFIELD_keyword :=
space space space space space space space space
value_indicator :=
`=' space
space :=
comment :=
`/' [ascii_text_char...]
ascii_text_char :=
anychar_but_equal :=
space-`<' | `>'-`~
anychar_but_space :=
value :=
character_string_value | logical_value | integer_value |
floating_value |
complex_integer_value | complex_floating_value
character_string_value :=
begin_quote [string_text_char...] end_quote
{Constraint: The begin_quote and end_quote are not part of the
character string value but only serve as delimiters. Leading spaces are
significant; trailing spaces are not.}
begin_quote :=
end_quote :=
{Constraint: The ending quote must not be immediately followed by a
second quote.}
quote :=
string_text_char :=
{Constraint: A string_text_char is identical to an ascii_text_char
except for the quote char; a quote char is represented by two successive
quote chars.}
logical_value :=
`T' | `F'
integer_value :=
[sign] digit [digit...]
{Comment: Such an integer value is interpreted as a signed decimal
number. It may contain leading zeros.}
sign :=
`-' | `+'
digit :=
floating_value :=
decimal_number [exponent]
decimal_number :=
[sign] [integer_part] [?.? [fraction_part]]
{Constraint: At least one of the integer_part and fraction_part must be
integer_part :=
digit | [digit...]
fraction_part :=
digit | [digit...]
exponent :=
exponent_letter [sign] digit [digit...]
exponent_letter :=
`E' | `D'
complex_integer_value :=
`(' [space...] real_integer_part [space...] `,'
imaginary_integer_part [space...] `)'
real_integer_part :=
imaginary_integer_part :=
complex_floating_value :=
`(' [space...] real_floating_part [space...] `,'
imaginary_floating_part [space...] `)'
real_floating_part :=
imaginary_floating_part :=