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Vol 4, No. 3a                 25 March 1994                      ISSN 1065-3597

Public Release of Guest Observer Data in May and June, 1994
	by Brett A. Stroozas, Archive Manager

   As proprietary data rights for Guest Observer (GO) phase observations begin
to expire in May, 1994, the EUVE Archive group is working to make these data
sets available to the astronomical community.  The early results from the EUVE
mission have included many exciting and important scientific discoveries; we
encourage the scientific community to further delve into the archival data as
it becomes available.
   The table below lists all observations currently released as well as those
to go public in May and June of 1994.  The full data sets will be distributed
on 8mm tape in "tar" format (readable within IRAF); the 1-d FITS spectra only
will be accessible on-line via anonymous ftp (
   Due to various scheduling constraints, observations are often carried out
in a series of pointings over a period of weeks or even months.  Each entry in
the table below corresponds to an individual non-consecutive pointing.  The
columns in the table are as follows:

 o Target -- Name of observed target.  Target names preceded by "*" were
	calibration observations.
 o RA/Dec -- Right Ascension and Declination (decimal degrees) of observed
	target in J2000 coordinates.
 o Exp -- Approximate exposure time in kiloseconds (actual exposure time varies
	by spectrometer channel).
 o Date -- GMT date on which the science observation was completed (yymmdd).
 o Q -- A two-character code used to indicate the quality of the archival data
	products.  The first character reflects the "level" of the processing
	software and reference data (level 2 is currently the best); the second
	reflects the care taken during the spectral extraction process ("n" is
	for nominal and "o" is optimal).  Although all data sets are currently
	"1n", the Archive group will (as resources allow) be reprocessing the
	observations in the near future.  If you don't wish to wait for us to
	get to reprocessing your favorite target(s), you are encouraged to order
	the data and reprocess it yourself using the EGO Center software and
	reference data which is available in the ftp site.
 o CD-ROM -- This column indicates which EUVE CD-ROM (if any) on which the
	observation is also available.
 o DataID -- This is a unique identification code for each observation, composed
	of the end date and target name for the observation (DataID codes for
	CD-ROMs are listed in the CD-ROM column).  The DataID codes must be
	used to order full GO data sets on tape or CD-ROM (see below).

   Target          RA       Dec    Exp   Date   Q   CD-ROM       DataID

 Data Sets Currently Available:

*AT_Mic       310.46100 -32.43900  39  920703  1n  cdrom1.1  920703_at_mic
*AU_Mic       311.29000 -31.33400  80  920717  1n  --------  920717_au_mic
*Capella       79.17208  45.99806  75  921213  1n  cdrom2.1b 921213_capella
*Feige_24      38.77920   3.73694  58  921120  1n  cdrom2.1a 921120_feige_24
*G191-B2B      76.37750  52.83139  49  921215  1n  cdrom2.1a 921215_g191-b2b
*HR1099        54.19620   0.59028  74  921025  1n  cdrom2.1c 921025_hr1099
*Moon          --------  --------   2  921210  1n  cdrom2.1c 921210_moon
*PKS2155-304  329.71800 -30.22300  35  920722  1n  cdrom2.1c 920722_pks2155-304
*Procyon      114.82410  5.227500  97  930115  1n  cdrom2.1b 930115_procyon
*RE1938-461   294.64833 -46.21589  40  920709  1n  cdrom2.1c 920709_re1938-461
*WD0549+158    88.11280  15.89010  60  930111  1n  cdrom2.1a 930111_wd0549+158
*WD1620-391   245.89667 -39.22940  32  920625  1n  cdrom2.1c 920625_wd1620-391
*WD1845+019   281.91400   1.95900  27  920629  1n  cdrom2.1a 920629_wd1845+019

 Data Sets Available 1 May 1994:

 chi_Ori       88.59542  20.27611 115  930130  1n  --------  930130_chi_ori
*Feige_24      38.77920   3.73694  46  921027  1n  --------  921027_feige_24
*HZ_43        199.09125  29.09917  39  930219  1n  --------  930219_hz_43
*kappa_Sco    265.62100 -39.03000  13  920626  1n  --------  920626_kappa_sco
 Mars         104.50000  26.88333  48  930123  1n  --------  930123_mars
*MCT2020-4234 305.99775 -42.40700  39  920719  1n  --------  920719_mct2020-4234
*sigma_Gem    115.82667  28.88333  56  930207  1n  --------  930207_sigma_gem
 VV_Pup       123.77833 -19.05489  46  930209  1n  --------  930209_vv_pup
*WD1123+189   171.57958  18.65472  24  930214  1n  --------  930214_wd1123+189
*WD1123+189   171.57958  18.65472  21  930310  1n  --------  930310_wd1123+189
*WD1254+223   194.25958  22.03194  53  930211  1n  --------  930211_wd1254+223
*WD1254+223   194.25958  22.03194  29  930304  1n  --------  930304_wd1254+223
*WD2309+105   348.08958  10.78444  43  920821  1n  --------  920821_wd2309+105
*WD2309+105   348.08958  10.78444  58  920928  1n  --------  920928_wd2309+105
*XI_UMa       169.54542  31.52917  55  930330  1n  --------  930330_xi_uma
Data Sets Available 1 June 1994:                               

 31_Com       192.92417  27.54056  66  930213  1n  --------  930213_31_com
 AD_Leo       154.90208  19.87000  90  930303  1n  --------  930303_ad_leo
*alpha_Cen_A  219.90100 -60.83530  75  930601  1n  --------  930601_alpha_cen_a
*alpha_Cen_A  219.90100 -60.83530  30  930608  1n  --------  930608_alpha_cen_a
 AN_UMa       166.10750  45.05417  44  930301  1n  --------  930301_an_uma
*AU_Mic       311.29000 -31.33400  47  930723  1n  --------  930723_au_mic
 epsilon_CMa  104.65833 -28.97210  62  930118  1n  --------  930118_epsilon_cma
*HR1099        54.19620   0.59028 134  930921  1n  --------  930921_hr1099
 Jupiter      ---------  --------  65  930401  1n  --------  930401_jupiter
*MCT2153-4156 329.14704 -41.70397   1  930808  1n  --------  930808_mct2153-4156
 PSR0656+14   104.95000  14.23917 106  930203  1n  --------  930203_psr0656+14
 RE0515+324    78.84875  32.67889  59  930126  1n  --------  930126_re0515+324
 RE1027+322   156.79875  32.39000 119  930308  1n  --------  930308_re1027+322
 RE1032+532   158.03458  53.48889  60  930205  1n  --------  930205_re1032+532
 RE1149+28    177.48208  28.75222  83  930225  1n  --------  930225_re1149+28
*WD1254+223   194.25958  22.03194  25  930406  1n  --------  930406_wd1254+223
*WD1620-391   245.89667 -39.22940  47  930521  1n  --------  930521_wd1620-391
*WD1620-391   245.89667 -39.22940  52  930702  1n  --------  930702_wd1620-391
*WD1845+019   281.91400   1.95900  29  930623  1n  --------  930623_wd1845+019
*WD2309+105   348.08958  10.78444  25  930831  1n  --------  930831_wd2309+105
 YZ_CMi       116.17360   3.55542  68  930227  1n  --------  930227_yz_cmi


   Once again, access to the 1-d FITS format spectra only will be available
on-line via the CEA anonymous ftp site ( in the
/pub/archive/spectra directory.
   Orders for full GO data sets must contain your name, full postal mailing
address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number (in case we need to contact
you for more information), and DataID(s) for the requested data set(s) as taken
from the list above.  Direct all orders via postal or e-mail to:

		EUVE Public Science Archive
		Center for EUV Astrophysics
		2150 Kittredge Street
		University of California
		Berkeley, CA 94720
		510-642-3032 (voice) or 510-643-5660 (fax)

For domestic orders, please allow ~4 weeks for delivery (international orders
will take longer).  The Archive group will soon provide mechanisms for ordering
data via e-mail and Mosaic; these will be announced as they become available.

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