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Vol 4, No. 0a  5 January 1993                     ISSN 1065-3597


	by Dr. Ron Oliversen, EUVE Associate Project Scientist

Dear Colleagues,

   The EUVE User's Group, chaired by Dr. Harry Shipman (U. Delaware), is hold-
ing an open forum to discuss future EUVE science objectives for the third year,
and maybe final year, of the EUVE Guest Observer program.  Any possibility
of an extended mission will require a strong science program with specific
objectives which utilize the unique capabilities of EUVE.  The interest and
input of the community are extremely important to formulating the Project's
strategy on how to best use EUVE.  This discussion should be viewed as a basis
to define the course of EUV science through the end of the century, if a mis-
sion extension can be secured, through innovative technology efforts under
study to significantly reduce the cost of operating such missions.
   The meeting will be held during the American Astronomical Society
conference in Washington DC at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.

  *****	Thursday, January 13 at 1:00-2:15 in the Mt. Vernon Room. *****

The importance of this meeting to the future of EUVE cannot be understated,
please note below the recent lead item on page 2 of the current Space News.

     "NASA should expect a budget cut in 1995. White House officials
     said their 1995 budget request -- due on Capitol Hill in February
     -- will seek $14.3B for NASA or $250M less than the space agency's
     $14.55B 1994 budget."

     "As a result, NASA will turn off some small spacecraft such as the
     Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer and reduce planned funding for the Earth
     Observing System and wind tunnels, congressional staffers say."

All members of the community are strongly encouraged to attend.

The EUVE Electronic Newsletter is issued by the Center for Extreme
Ultraviolet Astrophysics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720,
USA. The opinions expressed are those of the authors.  Publishers: 
Drs. R. Malina and C. Stuart Bowyer. Editor:  B. Stroozas.  Funded by
NASA contracts NAS5-30180 and NAS5-29298.  Send newsletter correspondence
to:  The EUVE Public Science Archive is available
via FTP:, pub/archive.  The EUVE project is
managed by NASA's GSFC.  The GSFC Project Manager:  Paul Pashby, Project
Scientist:  Dr. Yoji Kondo, Deputy Project Scientist:  Dr. Ronald Oliversen.
NASA HQ Program Scientist:  Dr. Robert Stachnik, Dep. Program Scientist:
Dr. D. Buzasi, Program Manager:  Dr. G. Riegler.  GSFC Project Operations
Director:  Mr. Kevin Hartnett.  Information on the EUVE Guest Observer
Program is available from:  Dr. Y. Kondo, Mail Code 684, GSFC, Greenbelt,
MD 20771 (301)286-6247; e-mail to

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