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Vol 3, No. 1 1/15/93                                ISSN 1065-3597

The 6 month all sky survey phase of EUVE has been completed
and post survey calibration on targets stars is currently
under way.  The EUVE Guest Observer program is being initiated
next week with observations of the planet Mars. During the
first six months of the GO Phase the few gaps in the sky survey
will also be filled in.

The EUVE observatory continues to operate exceptionally well
and the prospects are excellent for the Guest Observer program. Due
to the exceptional performance of the spacecraft, the observing
constraints for the GO phase have been relaxed from those
originally planned - targets up to 50 degrees from the ecliptic
will be observable ( as compared to the original constraint of
30 degrees for this phase). All the spectrometer channels are
working well - recent tests have also indicated that two of
the 3 spectrometer  channels can take scientifically useful data during
portions of the day time side of the orbit, thus increasing the observing
efficiency of the satellite.

The EUVE Science Team would like to take the occasion of the
successfull completion of the first scientific milestone of
the EUVE mission to thank the whole NASA and contractor team
that contributed to the flawless operation of the EUVE Observatory.

********************************************************** *****************
The IRAF software packages for reduction of spectroscopy obtained during
the pointed phase of the EUVE mission have been released internally at
CEA for further testing of calibration observations.  The release,
called EGOCS 1.3 has been tested independently by the EUVE SWAT team. 
The current packages contain all the functions for basic processing of
EUVE spectrometer data.  These functions include retrieval of telemetry
and restructuring raw science and engineering data into tables, nominal
aspect and wavelength correction and simple extraction of spectra into
counts vs.  wavelength.  Testing indicates that the software is
functionally correct, that is, photons are processed successfully
through the event pipeline. 
Now that the software has been thoroughly exercised, the data from
calibration pointings is being processed to iteratively refine the
wavelength and aspect solutions for the spectrometer.  As might be
expected for a new astronomical telescope and associated instrumentation,
new effects appear in orbit and these must be accounted for in the
processing.  The parameters that describe instrument and telescope
characteristics are called ``reference data'' in our nomenclature.  It
is this reference data that is being refined through a repetitive
processing and measurement cycle.  It is anticipated that the reference
data will evolve over the lifetime of the satellite, so accurate
measurement of the in-orbit performance of the instruments serves as an
important baseline for future data analysis. 
Each Guest Observer will obtain 
       Raw Data in tabular form (FITS or STScI Table format)
       Nominally processed spectrum (1-d)
       Relevant reference data
       EGO Software packages
The schedule for releasing software and data listed below contains
no contingency for new unforseen problems or delays. It is an
ambitious schedule, but we hope that by concentrating our efforts
we can meet these dates. As can be seen, at first, delivery of
GO data (non-calibration) will lag the observation time by about
two months. Our goal is to shorten this to one week. As spectrometer
data is packaged with the software, reference data and documentation,
we will be able to support visitors to the CEA who wish to 
do their data analysis here; the presence of the Guest Observer at CEA
during their observations is not required , since no interactive
observing activies  involving the GO are required. However all EUVE
GOs are strongly encouraged to visit the CEA the first time they
obtain EUVE data in order to receive assistance and training 
in EUVE data reduction and analysis techniques. EUVE is a new observatory
and there remain many subtleties in the correct interpretation of
the EUVE data.

      mid-February - public release of EGO SW for processing spectrometer data
      1 March      - Best effort reference data release
      1-22 March   - Reprocessing and packaging of calibration pointings
                     allocated to Guest Observers
      22 March     - Initiate processing and packaging of first GO 
                     (non-calibration) data
      15 April     - User Guides Versions 1
      15 May       - Nominally reduced calibration data (1-d spectra)
                     delivered to EUVE archive

In the next  EUVE ELECTRONIC NEWS we provide the list of
Guest Observer targets approved by NASA.

The EUVE Electronic Newsletter is issued by the  Center  for  Ex-
treme  Ultraviolet Astrophysics, University of California, Berke-
ley, Ca 94720, USA. The opinions expressed are those of the  authors. 
Publish ers:  Roger F. Malina, C. Stuart Bowyer.Funded by NASA Contracts
NAS5-30180 and  NAS5-29298. 
Send newsletter correspondence to: (Internet)
EUVE Public Archive via FTP:, pub/archive
The EUVE Project is managed by NASA's GSFC.  The Project  Manager
at  GSFC  is  Mr.  Paul Pashby, the Project Scientist is Dr. Yoji
Kondo, the Deputy Project Scientist is Dr. Ronald Oliversen.  The
NASA  Headquarters  EUVE Program Scientist is Dr. Robert Stachnik
the Deputy Program Scientist is Dr.  Derek  Buzasi,  the  Program
Manager is  Dr. Guenter Riegler.  The Project Operations Director
is Mr. Kevin Hartnett.  Information  on  the EUVE  Guest Observer 
Program is available from:  Dr. Yoji Kondo,  Mail Code 684  GSFC, 
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301)286-6247; euve@stars.SPAN.NASA.GOV

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