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    Volume 1, Number 11                           May 1, 1992

Due to the delay in the  Shuttle  launch  and  the  Delta  launch
scheduled ahead of EUVE, the EUVE launch date has been moved from
May 28, 1992 to early June. The earliest availability is June  2,
with  a  likely date of June 4. A meeting will be held early next
week to set the launch date after the Shuttle  and  Delta  launch
dates  firm  up. For those planning to attend the EUVE launch, if
you wish to receive up-to-date information on the Launch Date you
may  phone  NASA's 24-hour hotline number: (202) 755-8363 or send
email to pub@ssl.berkeley.edu.


Final launch and pad simulations are under way at Cape Canaveral.
Last  month  the  star  tracker shutters and the gyro electronics
were removed for re-work and  were  re-installed.  EUVE  will  be
moved  to the launch pad following the Delta launch scheduled for
early May.


The CEA ADS has received the ROSAT  Wide   Field  Camera   Bright
Source   List   in   electronic form and has made it available to
the community in support of the EUVE NRA. The source list is  ac-
cessible  from  the  EUVE  Astrophysics Data System node, the EGO
Center electronic mail server and the EGO Center  ftp  site.  The
list contains 384 objects detected by the ROSAT Wide Field Camera
during the all-sky survey of July, 1990 -  January,  1991.   Each
source has entries for R.A. and Dec (2000 coordinates), S1 and S2
count rates and errors, the name of any possible counterpart  and
the  number of possible counterparts, the type of object, and the
radius of the error circle.

This information in this pre-publication list is based on that to
be  published by Pounds, et al., in MNRAS.  The correct reference
for the data is "The ROSAT all-sky survey of Extreme  Ultraviolet
sources:  I  Bright Source Catalogue" Pounds, K. A., et al, 1992,
to be submitted to MNRAS.

To obtain the Bright Source List and other files  from  the  mail
server,  send  mail  to  egoinfo@ssl.berekeley.edu with the words
"send  index"  for  a  listing  of  available  files   or   "send
WFC_bright_source.tbl"  or "send WFC_bright_source.tex" for tabu-
lar text or tex files. The send command must be part of the  body
of the message, not the subject string or header.

To use the anonymous ftp site,  ftp  to  superego.ssl.berkely.edu
(Internet   and  log  on  with  the  user  name
"anonymous". The directory  "pub"  contains  various  tables  and
files  including  the  Bright Source list. Files can be retrieved
using    the     "get"     command,     for     example,     "get

The ROSAT WFC Bright Source list is also available by  contacting
the EUVE Project Scientist, Dr Yoji Kondo and the GSFC HESARC.


The EUVE Guest Observer NRA has been issued  by  NASA.  Proposals
are due to NASA by July 1, 1992.

The EUVE Electronic Newsletter is  issued  monthly,  or  as  news
events arise, by the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics,
University of  California, Berkeley. The opinions  expressed  are
those of the authors.

Publisher: Roger F. Malina, Managing Editor: Camille Trentacoste

      Funded by NASA Contracts NAS5-30180 and NAS5-29298.
Send newsletter correspondence to: pub@ssl.berkeley.edu (Internet)
The EUVE Project is managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
in  Greenbelt, MD.  The EUVE Project Manager at GSFC is Mr. Frank
Volpe, the GSFC Project Scientist for EUVE is Dr. Yoji Kondo. The
NASA  Headquarters EUVE Program Scientist is Dr. Robert Stachnik,
the NASA Headquarters EUVE Program Manager is Mr. John Lintott.

Information on the EUVE Guest Observer Program is available from:

        Dr. Yoji Kondo
        Mail Code 684
        Goddard Space Flight Center
        Greenbelt, MD 20771
	(301) 286-6247

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