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    Volume 1, Number 4                         October, 1991

Status of the EUVE Science Payload

The EUVE science payload is at GSFC ready to be mated to the  Ex-
plorer Platform. This is now scheduled for October 13.  The leak-
ing pressure relief valve on one of the scanners will be repaired
this month.

The major activity this month has been simulations  of  the  EUVE
Science  Operations  Center  operations  and of the data analysis
process. These simulations have been encouraging, indicating that
the  ESOC  is  ready  for  launch.   The  ESOC  software has been
released in a new package ESOC 1.0  which  has  now  been  placed
under  GSFC configuration control. Beginning October 13, the ESOC
will begin 24-hour-a-day operation to support the integrated  ob-
servatory testing through the month of November.

The simulations of the EUVE  spectrometer  operations  were  very
successful.  Dr.  Timothy E. Carone played the role of a visiting
Guest Observer. He obtained his data and was able to  analyze  it
using  the current alpha2 release of the EGO software package. He
was able to use the standard IRAF spectroscopic analysis tools to
carry out further analysis.

Dr. Carone reports that he is ready  to  issue  a  simulated  IAU
telegram  announcing that his observation of an extragalactic ob-
ject proved to have a spectrum remarkably like  the  nearby  star
Capella,  and that therefore QSOs are nearby galactic objects and
will be observable by EUVE in large numbers.   Unfortunately,  we
had  to  tell  Dr.  Carone that the simulated data may or may not
have any resemblance to living extragalactic objects.

Status of the EUVE Spacecraft

The EUVE spacecraft is just completing its thermal-vacuum testing
and is being prepared to be mated to the EUVE science payload Oc-
tober 13.

The EUVE launch date was moved to January 13, 1992 as a result of
Air Force priority for the previous December launch date.

A decision has been made to correct the  spacecraft  transponders
as  a  result  of the problems currently being encountered on the
GRO transponders which are of an identical design.

EUVE Guest Observer Program

The issuance of the NASA NRA for the EUVE Guest Observer  Program
has  been  moved  to  November 1991 as a result of the new launch
date. Proposals will be due  at  NASA  roughly  one  month  after

The EUVE Electronic Newsletter is issued on a monthly  basis,  or
as  news  events arise, by the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet As-
trophysics at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of  Cali-
fornia,  Berkeley.  The  opinions  expressed are those of the au-

Publisher: Roger F. Malina, Managing Editor: Camille Trentacoste
            Address all newsletter correspondence to:
                 pub@ssl.berkeley.edu (Internet)
This newsletter is funded by NASA Contract NAS5-30180.

The EUVE Project is managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
in  Greenbelt, MD.  The EUVE Project Manager at GSFC is Mr. Frank
Volpe, the GSFC Project Scientist for EUVE is Dr. Yoji Kondo. The
NASA  Headquarters EUVE Program Scientist is Dr. Robert Stachnik,
the NASA Headquarters EUVE Program Manager is Mr. John Lintott.

Further information about the EUVE Guest Observer Program can  be
obtained from:

        Dr. Yoji Kondo
        Mail Code 684
        Goddard Space Flight Center
        Greenbelt, MD 20771

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