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Appendix C. All Papers Published or Submitted on Copernicus Results
(on March 1, 1975)
Reference Title
Bernat, A.P. and Lambert, D.L., Bulle- "Ultraviolet Observations of the
tin of the American Astronomical Chromospheres of Two M-Supergiants".
Society (in press).
Boesgaard, A.M., Praderie, F., Leckrone, "The Abundance of Boron and Beryllium
D.S., Faraggiana, R. and Hack, M. 1974, in Alpha Lyrae".
Ap.J. (Letters), 194, L143.
Chen, K.-Y., and Wood, Frank B. 1975, "A Spectrometric Study of the Lyman
Ap.J. (Letters), 195, L73. Alpha Line of Beta Persei".
deBoer, K.S., Morton, D.C., Pottasch, "Oscillator Strengths for Ionized
S.R. and York, D.G., Astronomy and Iron and Manganese".
Astrophysics, Vol. 31, 405 (1974).
Drake, J.F., 1974, Proc. of Royal "The Princeton Equipment Onboard".
Society of London A, Vol. 340, 403.
Drake, J.F., 1974, Proc. of Royal "Interstellar Molecules".
Society of London A, Vol. 340, 457.
Dupree, A.K. (submitted to Ap.J. "Ultraviolet Observations of Capella
Letters). from Copernicus".
Dupree, A.K., Bulletin of the Amer- "Ultraviolet Observations of
ican Astronomical Society (in press). Emission Lines in G Stars".
Evans, R.G., Jordan, C., and Wilson, "Observations of Ultraviolet Emission
R. 1975, Nature, 253, 612. Lines in the Spectrum of Procyon".
Gerola, H., Linsky, J.L. and Shine, R. "Evidence for a Corona of Beta Gem".
1974, Ap.J.(Letters), Vol. 193, L107
Hack,M., Hutchings, J.B., Kondo, Y., "Copernicus OAO Spectrum of Beta
McCluskey, G., Plavec, M. and Polidan, Lyrae".
R. 1974, Nature, Vol. 249, 534.
Hack, M., Hutchings, J.B., Kondo, Y., "The Ultraviolet Spectrum of Beta
McCluskey, G., Plavec, M., and Lyrae".
Polidan, R. 1975, Ap.J. (in press).
Jenkins, E.B., 1973, Bulletin of the "Ultraviolet Interstellar Lines in
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 5, Three Stars Located Behind the Vela
379. Supernova Remnant".
Jenkins, E.B., Proceedings of I.A.U. "Line Absorption Studies of the
Symposium No. 60 (in press). Interstellar Gas near 10^15 Hz".
Jenkins, E.B., 1974, Galactic Radio "Line Absorption Studies of the
Astronomy, ed. F.J. Kerr and S.C. Interstellar Gas near 10^15 Hz".
Simonson, pp. 61-73.
Jenkins, E.B., Drake, J.F., Morton, "Spectrophotometric Results from the
D.C., Rogerson, J.B., Spitzer, L., Copernicus Satellite. V. Abundances
and York, D.G. 1973, Ap.J. (Letters), of Molecules in Interstellar Clouds".
Vol. 181, L122-L127.
Jenkins, E.B. and Meloy, D.A. 1974, "A Survey with Copernicus of Inter-
Ap.J., 193, L121. stellar O VI Absorption".
Jenkins, E.B., Silk, J.I. and Waller- "Ultraviolet Interstellar Lines in
stein, G. 1973, Bulletin of the Three Stars Located Behind the Vela
American Astronomical Society, Supernova Remnant".
5, 379.
Johnson, H.M. 1975, Ap.J., (in press). "The Ultraviolet Spectrum of Gamma
Kondo, Y. and McCluskey, G.E. 1974, "A Search for Lyman-Alpha Emission in
Ap.J.(Letters), 188, L63. Beta Lyrae from Copernicus".
Kondo, Y., Modisette, J.L., Wolf, "Analytical Determination of the
G.W. and Fender, J.S., Bulletin Equivalent Width and Half Width of
of the American Astronomical the MgII Lines near 2800 Å".
Society (in press).
Kondo, Y., Wolf, G.W. and Modisette, "A Survey of the MgII Line Strength
J.L., Bulletin of the American near 2800 Å in Early-Type Stars -
Astronomical Society (in press). Copernicus Observations".
Lamers, H.J. and Snijders, T.A.J. "Observations and Theory of MgII
Astronomy and Astrophysics (in Lines in Early-Type Stars".
Linsky, J.L., Basri, G., McClintock, "Mass Loss and Winds in K-Type Stars
W., Henry, R.C. and Moos, W. Derived from Copernicus Spectra".
Bulletin of the American Astronomical
Society (in press).
Linsky, J.L., Moos, H.W., Henry, R.C., "High Spectral Resolution Measure-
and McClintock, W.E. Ap.J. (Letters), ments of the HI 1216 Å and MgII
(in press). 2800 Å Emission from Arcturus".
Linsky, J.L., Moos, H.W., Henry, R.C., "Copernicus Observations of Chromo-
and McClintock, W.E. Ap.J. (Letters), spheric Emission Lines in Arcturus
(in press). and Other K Giants".
McClintock, W., Linsky, J.L., Henry, "Far-Ultraviolet Measurements of
R.C., Moos, H.W., and Gerola, H. Chromospheric and Coronal Lines in
Ap.J. (in press). Alpha Tau, Beta Gem, and Alpha Boo".
Morton, D.C. 1974, Ap.J., 193, L35. "Interstellar Abundances Toward Zeta
Morton, D.C., Ap.J. (in press). "Interstellar Absorption Lines in the
Spectrum of Zeta Ophiuchi".
Morton, D.C., and deBoer, K.S., "Interstellar Carbon I Lines in Zeta
Astronomy and Astrophysics (in Ophiuchi".
Morton, D.C., Drake, J.F., Jenkins, "Spectrophotometric Results from the
E.B., Rogerson, J.B., Spitzer, L., Copernicus Satellite. II.
and York, D.G. 1973, Ap.J. (Letters), Composition of Interstellar Clouds".
181, L103-L109.
Morton, D.C., and Smith Wm. H. 1973, "A Summary of Transition Prob-
Ap.J., 26, 333-364. abilities for Atomic Absorption
Lines Formed in Low-Density Clouds".
Morton, D.C., Smith, A.M., and "A New Limit on the Interstellar
Stecher, T.P. 1974, Ap.J., 189, Abundance of Boron".
Plavec, M., Polidan, R.S. and Peters, "Relations Between Stars and Inter-
G.J. 1973, Bulletin of the American acting Binaries".
Astronomical Society, 5, 398.
Praderie, F., Simonneau, E. and Snow, "Evidence for a Temperature Rise in
T.P., Space Science Reviews, (in the Outer Layers of Alpha Lyrae".
Rogerson, J.B., Spitzer, L., Drake, "Spectrophotometric Results from the
J.F., Dressler, K., Jenkins, E.B., Copernicus Satellite. I. Instru-
Morton, D.C., and York, D.G. 1973, mentation and Performance".
Ap.J. (Letters), 181, L97-L102.
Rogerson, J.B., and York, D.G. 1973, "Interstellar Deuterium Abundance in
Ap.J. (Letters), 186, L95-L98. the Direction of Beta Centauri".
Rogerson, J.B., York, D.G., Drake, "Spectrophotometric Results from the
J.F., Jenkins, E.B., Morton, D.C., Copernicus Satellite, III. Ion-
and Spitzer, L. 1973, Ap.J. (Letters), ization and Composition of the Inter-
181, L110-115. cloud Medium".
Snijders, T.A.J., and Underhill, A. "The HeII Lines in the Spectrum of
1975, Ap.J. (in press). Zeta Puppis".
Snow, T.P. 1975, Ap.J. (in press). "A Search for H¯ in the Circumstellar
Shell Surrounding Chi Ophiuchi".
Snow, T.P., and York, D.G. 1975, "Far-Ultraviolet Extinction in Sigma
Astrophysics Space Science Scorpii".
(in press).
Spitzer, L., and Cochran, W.D. 1973, "Rotational Excitation of Inter-
Ap.J.(Letters), 186, L23-L28. stellar H2".
Spitzer, L., Cochran, W.D., and "Column Densities of Interstellar
Hirshfeld, A. 1974, Ap.J. Supple- Molecular Hydrogen".
ment No. 266, 28, 373.
Spitzer, L., Drake, J.F., Jenkins, "Spectrophotometric Results from
E.B., Morton, D.C., Rogerson, J.B., the Copernicus Satellite. IV.
and York, D.G. 1973, Ap.J. (Letters), Molecular Hydrogen in Interstellar
181, L116-L121. Space".
Spitzer, L., and Jenkins, E.B. Annual "Ultraviolet Studies of the Inter-
Reviews of Astronomy and Astro- stellar Gas".
physics, in press.
Spitzer, L., and Zweibel, E.G. 1974, "On The Theory of H2 Rotational
Ap.J., 191, L127. Excitation".
Stalio, R. Astronomy and Astrophysics, "Spectrophotometric Results from
in press. Copernicus: The Spectrum of
Alpha Andromedae".
Stalio, R., and Selvelli, P.L. 1975, "The Ultraviolet Spectra of Epsilon
(submitted to Astronomy and Astro- Ori, B0Ia, and Kappa Ori, B0.5 Ia".
Underhill, A. 1, Ap.J. Supplement, "The Ultraviolet Spectrum of Eta
27, 359. Canis Majoris, B5 Ia".
York, D.G. 1974, Ap.J., 193, L127. "Highly Ionized Atoms Observed with
York, D.G. 1974, Proceedings of Royal "Physical State of Interstellar
Society of London, 340, 447. Atoms".
York, D.G. Ap.J. (Letters) (in press) "The Interstellar Medium Near the
Sun: The Line of Sight to Lambda
York, D.G. Astronautical Research, 1973, "Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-
Pergamon Press: New York (in press). Copernicus".
York, D.G., Drake, J.F., Jenkins, E.B., "Spectrophotometric Results from the
Morton D.C., Rogerson, J.B., and Copernicus Satellite. VI. Extinction
Spitzer, L. 1973, Ap.J. (Letters), by Grains at Wavelengths between
182, L1-L6. 1200 and 1000 Å".