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K2_PLANETS Search Output Columns

This document defines the catalog entries describing the K2_PLANETS Data Archive.

Clicking on entries in this column will mark the entry for retrieval. To mark all entries, click one of the buttons labelled 'Mark All','Mark public', or 'Mark Proprietary'. (Unmarking all entries can be done the same way using the appropriate button.) For missions with proprietary data, the mark button element will have a yellow background and a '@' symbol to indicate data sets not yet public.

To Retrieve:
Click the button labelled 'Submit marked data for retrieval from STDADS'. This will send all the marked data set names to the data retrieval page. Follow the directions on the displayed pages.

To Coplot:
After selecting up to 15 observations to be plotted, click on the "Plot marked spectra" button to coplot the selected observations.

The spectra that you selected will be automatically scaled to the full range of wavelengths and nearly the full range of fluxes (i.e., y axis plot scale runs from 0 (or .25 * the minimum flux for spectra with negative fluxes) to the 10th highest flux). Each spectrum is automatically assigned a color, up to a maximum of 15.

For plotting Kepler light curves, y-axis scaling is slightly different. Plots scale simply from the minimum to the maximum flux. It is also recommended that only Kepler light curves from the same target be co-plotted due to the differences in flux values.

The spectra are labelled by their dataset names, with a summary of the datasets plotted given below the plot. After inspecting the plot, you may wish to change the selection of datasets which are displayed. Use your browser "Back" button to do this.

Plot range
Adjust the minimum and maximum wavelengths (in Angstroms) and minimum and maximum fluxes (in erg /cm2/sec/A) to select the spectral region of interest and to exclude noisy data. Note Kepler light curves are in units of time and uncalibrated fluxes.

Plot dimensions
Adjust the X size and Y size in pixels to create the size of plot desired. The maximum dimensions are 850 by 640 pixels.

Redraw plot
Use this button to replot the spectra when you have changed the plot range or plot dimensions.

Column Information

Row ID
Sequential integer representing the row number of table
1 to 312

K2 Name
Exoplanet name in the form k2-n[b,c,d..] where n is a sequential number followed by a letter (starting with b) to distinguish planets in multiple planetary systems.
example: k2-10b

Integer ID (typically the EPIC ID) identifying the corresponding host star entry. In a couple cases the ID number refers to the target ID assigned to a 2-wheel engineering test data set and has an ID number around 60 million. EPIC IDs begin around 201 million. Note planets in the same star system are assigned the same ID.
60017806 to 249622103

Alt Name
Additional name as used in the NExScI exoplanet archive. Frequently it's the same as the K2 planet name.
example: WASP-28b

RA (J2000)
Right Ascension of host star in decimal degrees.
8.7397 to 353.9554

RA Error
Right Ascension uncertainty in decimal degrees.

Dec (J2000)
Declination of host star in decimal degrees
-28.4978 to 27.2523

Dec Error
Right Ascension uncertainty in decimal degrees.

Disc Method
Method for detecting planet
Transit, RV, ...

Number of Planets
Number of planets in system
1 to 7

Planet Radius
Estimated planet radius (jupiter = 1.0)
0.0550 to 1.5100

Planet Radius err1
Upper limit planet radius uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0)
0 to 2.2760

Planet Radius err2
Lower limit for planet radius uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0)
-0.8320 to 0

Planet Radius Limit Flag
planet radius in Jupiter Radii limit flag
0 to 1

# Planet Radius Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet radius
0 to 8

Semi-Major Axis
Estimated planet semi-major axis (AU)
0.0058 to 1.4100

Semi-Major Axis err1
Upper limit planet semi-major axis uncertainty
0.0001 to 0.3000

Semi-Major Axis err2
Lower limit for planet semi-major axis uncertainty
-0.3000 to -0.0001

Semi-Major Axis Flag
semi-major axis limit flag
currently all 0

# Semi-Major Axis Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet semi-major axis
0 to 5

Orbital Eccentricity
Estimated planet Orbital Eccentricity (AU)
0 to 0.4700

Orbital Eccentricity err1
Upper limit planet Orbital Eccentricity uncertainty
0.0042 to 0.2700

Orbital Eccentricity err2
Lower limit for planet Orbital Eccentricity uncertainty
-0.2100 to -0.0020

Orbital Eccentricity Limit Flag
Orbital Eccentricity limit flag
0 to 1

# Orbital Eccentricity Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet Orbital Eccentricity
0 to 4

Orbital Inclination
The angle between the plane of the sky (perpendicular to the line of sight) and the orbital plane of the planet candidate.
25.0340 to 89.8600

Orbital Inclination err1
Upper limit planet orbital inclination uncertainty
0.0080 to 56.2320

Orbital Inclination err2
Lower limit for planet orbital inclination uncertainty
-45 to -0.0090

Orbital Inclination Limit Flag
planet orbital inclination limit flag
currently all 0

# Orbital Inclination Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet orbital inclination
0 to 5

Planet Mass
Estimated planet mass or msini (jupiter = 1.0)
0.0013 to 3.7000

Planet mass err1
Upper limit planet mass/msini uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0)
0.0006 to 1

Planet mass err2
Lower limit for planet mass/msini uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0)
-0.5900 to -0.0006

Planet mass Limit Flag
planet mass/msini in Jupiter Masses limit flag
0 to 1

# Planet mass Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet mass/msini
0 to 5

Planet mass Provenence
Mass or Msini provenance

Planet Density
Estimated planet density (g/cm**3)
0.2900 to 12.8000

Planet Density err1
Upper limit planet density uncertainty
0.0290 to 4.6400

Planet Density err2
Lower limit for planet density uncertainty
-4.2000 to -0.0220

Planet Density Limit Flag
planet density limit flag
0 to 1

# Planet Density Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet density
0 to 4

Estimated Planet period in earth days
0.1797 to 580.7000

Period err1
Lower uncertainty limit in Planet period in earth days
0.0000 to 163

Period err2
Upper uncertainty limit in Planet period in earth days
-126 to -0.0000

Period Limit Flag
planet period limit flag
currently all 0

# Period Measurements
Number of measurements made of planet period
1 to 8

Kepler Flag
Is planet in Kepler FOV (1=yes, 0-no)
currently all 0

K2 Flag
Is planet in K2 FOV (1=yes, 0-no)
0 to 1

Stellar Mass
Estimated Stellar Mass (solar = 1.0)
0.0800 to 2.2400

Stellar Mass err1
Upper limit for estimated Stellar Mass Uncertainty (solar = 1.0)
0.0100 to 1.6700

Stellar Mass err2
Lower limit for estimated Stellar Mass Uncertainty (solar = 1.0)
-1.6700 to -0.0100

Stellar Mass Limit Flag
stellar mass limit flag
currently all 0

# Stellar Mass Measurements
# of stellar mass Measurements
1 to 8

Stellar Radius
Estimated Stellar Radius (solar = 1.0)
0.1200 to 5.1500

Stellar Radius err1
Upper limit for estimated stellar radius uncertainty (solar = 1.0)
0 to 0.7700

Stellar Radius err2
Lower limit for estimated stellar radius uncertainty (solar = 1.0)
-4.3900 to 0

Stellar Radius Limit Flag
stellar radius limit flag
currently all 0

# Stellar radius Measurements
# of stellar radius Measurements
1 to 8

Stellar Distance
Derived Stellar distance in parsecs
12.1000 to 962

Stellar Distance err1
Estimated stellar Distance lower uncertainty (pc)
0.4000 to 70

Stellar Distance err2
Estimated stellar Distance upper uncertainty (pc)
-70 to -0.4000

Stellar Distance limit Flag
stellar Distance limit flag
currently all 0

# Stellar Distance Measurements
stellar distance number of measurements
0 to 4

Stellar Optical mag
Stellar optical magnitude
8.2390 to 18.8000

Stellar Optical mag err
Estimated Stellar optical mag uncertainty
0.0090 to 0.4700

Stellar Optical mag Limit Flag
Stellar optical mag limit flag
currently all 0

Optical Mag Band Name
Stellar optical magnitude band name
example: Kepler-band, V (Johnson)

Stellar Teff
Derived Effective Temperature
2559 to 6771

Stellar Teff err1
Upper limit for estimated stellar Teff uncertainty
17 to 787

Stellar Teff err2
Lower limit for estimated stellar Teff uncertainty
-787 to -16

Stellar Teff Limit Flag
stellar teff limit flag
currently all 0

# Stellar Teff Measurements
# of stellar teff Measurements
1 to 8

# of Planet Notes
Number of planet notes
0 to 3

Last Update
Date of last update stored as a string. To search for entries from May, 2014 for example, specify "2014-05-*".
example: 2015-07-30

Gaia gmag
Gaia gmag Magnitude
8.7740 to 14.1480

Gaia gmag Err
Gaia gmag Magnitude uncertainty

Gaia gmag Limit Flag
Gaia gmag Magnitude Limit Flag uncertainty (0="=", +1="gt", -1="lt")
currently all 0

Stellar Kepler Magnitude value
8.2200 to 15.5470

K2 Campaign
K2 Campaign number as a string".
E (for engineering) and 0 to ?

Discovery Facility
Discovery Facility
most entries are "K2"