Preferred "TELESCOP" keyword value for MAST HLSP delivery Telescope Acronym Telescope Full Name
Chandra CXO Chandra X-ray Observatory
Copernicus OAO-3 Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 3
EPOCH EPOCh, EPOXI The Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterization program
EUVE EUVE Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
FUSE FUSE Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
GALEX GALEX Galaxy Evolution Explorer
HPOL HPOL HPOL spectropolarimeter
HST HST Hubble Space Telescope
HUT HUT Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope
ISO ISO Infrared Space Observatory
IUE IUE International Ultraviolet Explorer
JWST JWST James Web Space Telescope
Kepler Kepler The Kepler Space Telescope
ORFEUS ORFEUS Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrograph
Spitzer SST Spitzer Space Telescope
SWIFT SWIFT The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission
UIT UIT Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
VLA VLA, EVLA Very Large Array
VLT VLT Very Large Telescope
WUPPE WUPPE Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment
XMM XMM X-ray Multi-Mirror Telescope