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FUSE Search Output Columns

This document defines the catalog entries describing the FUSE Data Archive.

Clicking on this box will mark the entry for retrieval.

To Retrieve:
The selected datasets will be downloaded in a single file. You may select the file type: .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.Z, and .zip. After selecting the file type, click on the "Download selected files" button and the selected files will be downloaded to your disk.

To Coplot:
After selecting up to 15 observations to be plotted, click on the "Plot marked spectra" button to coplot the selected observations.

The spectra that you selected will be automatically scaled to the full range of wavelengths and nearly the full range of fluxes (i.e., y axis plot scale runs from 0 (or .25 * the minimum flux for spectra with negative fluxes) to the 10th highest flux). Each spectrum is automatically assigned a color, up to a maximum of 15. The spectra are labelled by their dataset names, with a summary of the datasets plotted given below the plot. After inspecting the plot, you may wish to change the selection of datasets which are displayed. Use your browser "Back" button to do this.

Plot range
Adjust the minimum and maximum wavelengths (in Ångstroms) and minimum and maximum fluxes (in erg /cm2/sec/Å) to select the spectral region of interest and to exclude noisy data.

Plot dimensions
Adjust the X size and Y size in pixels to create the size of plot desired. The maximum dimensions ar e 850 by 640 pixels.

Redraw plot
Use this button to replot the spectra when you have changed the plot range or plot dimensions.

Column Information

Data ID
Uniquely identifies an observation.; First four characters are the proposal ID, next 2 indicate a target, next 2 indicate the "visit"
e.g.: C1010301000, B0300101000, Z9104301000; Also accepted are values like C1010301, B0300101, and Z9104301;

Archive Class
DADS archive class

Target Name
Target name (uppercase); No spaces in names
Examples: HD115071, SK-68D135, PG0749+658, LINEAR-2000WM1-22

RA (J2000)
Right Ascension (J2000)
Range: 0 to 360 deg

Dec (J2000)
Declination (J2000)
Range: -90 to +90 deg

Object Class Modified IUE Classification System Also called Object Class.
Range: 0-99

The number of known literature references associated with the listed proposal ID (HST) or data set name.
null, 1, or more

Generation Date
Date data was processed (in UT)
Jan 18 2000 to present

End Time
Date and time of the end of the observation (in UT)
Range: Sep 23 1999 to present

Start Time
Observation start time
Sep 22 1999 to present

Exp Time
Length of exposure after screening
Range: 58 to 156,614 seconds as of 3/20/06

Raw Time
Total duration of exposure
Range: 57 to 240,144.1 seconds as of 3/20/06

Program ID
Program ID; Initial letter indicates type of program.; A = First cycle, ; B= Second cycle ...; P = PI program; Q=French PI program; X = Early Release; I= In Orbit Checkout; M=Calibration; S=Science Verification; Z=Directors Discretionary; Z9 = all goes public
Examples A001,B022,C052

Aperture, The three apertures supported are the ; LWRS (30"x30"; 100% throughput), ; MDRS (4"x20"; 98% throughput) and ; HIRS (1.25"x20"; 85% throughput) ; RFPT (reference point) Light from target in target colum is not entering the spectrograph

Archive Date
Date written to archive (in UT)
Range: Jan 18 2000 to present

Release Date
Release Date. Nominal proprietary period of 6 months which may be shortend or lengthened. Date given in UT.
Feb 23 2000 to 6 months from present

Object ID
Target ID from header
Examples 01, 45, 84

Observation ID from proposal database
Examples 01, 11, 36, 81

Association ID
Association ID (Same as Data ID or Observation ID)
e.g. A1062121000, S6013501000

Aper Pos Angle
Positiion Angle of y axis (deg E of N)
Range: 0 to 360 deg

Range: 1 to 90 Angstroms

Cent Wavelength
Central Wavelength
Range: -1.5 to 1061 Angstroms

Observation Date
Observation Date given in UT.
Sep 22 1999 to present

E(B-V) color excess
Range: 0 to 1.4

Ecliptic Latitude
Ecliptic Latitude
-90 to +90 deg

Ecliptic Longitude
Ecliptic Longitude
0 to 360 deg

Galactic Latitude
Galactic Latitude
Range: -90 to +90 deg

Galactic Longitude
Galactic Longitude
Range: 0 to 360 deg

High Proper Motion?
Flags high proper motion objects
T, F

Moving Target?
Flags moving targets: F=fixed target ; M=moving target
F, M

Obs Status
Science Data Processing observation status code(?)
-999 to 2 (?)

PI First Name
PI first name (uppercase); Use wild card

PI Last Name
PI last name (uppercase); Use wild card

Observation ID from Image Header
Range: 01 to 81

Spectral Type
Spectral type
Examples: B5V, O6.5IIINF, LBV(B2.5IABE), BLEND

Source Type
Source type. P=Point, E=Extended, C=Continuum, E=Emission line

Target Type
not used
not used


V Mag
Visual magnitude
-2.5 to 25

Max Wave
Max Wavelength
Range: -1 to 1106 Angstroms

Min Wave
Min Wavelength
Range: -2 to 1106 Angstroms

Radial Velocity
Radial Velocity: Values are GO provided and may be either Z values OR km/sec!
Range: -241 to 6050

Inst Mode
Instrument Mode: TTAG for event rates less than 2500 counts/sec; HIST for rates greater than 2500 counts/sec

Preview Name
Preview name

High-Level Science Product
Number of known high level science products
null, 1 - 7 as of 3/21/06

Bad Data Flag
Images flagged as bad because the detector voltage was down during the entire exposure.
Y = bad (no voltage), N = good (voltage okay)