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B.1 ``Variable Length Array'' Facility

  One of the most attractive features of binary tables is that any field of the table can be an array. In the standard case this is a fixed size array, i.e., a fixed amount of storage is allocated in each record for the array data--whether it is used or not. This is fine so long as the arrays are small or a fixed amount of array data will be stored in each record, but if the stored array length varies for different records, it is necessary to impose a fixed upper limit on the size of the array that can be stored. If this upper limit is made too large excessive wasted space can result and the binary table mechanism becomes seriously inefficient. If the limit is set too low then it may become impossible to store certain types of data in the table.

The ``variable length array'' construct  presented here  was devised to deal with this problem. Variable length arrays are implemented in such a way that, even if a table contains such arrays, a simple reader program which does not understand variable length arrays will still be able to read the main table (in other words a table containing variable length arrays conforms to the basic binary table standard). The implementation chosen is such that the records in the main table remain fixed in size even if the table contains a variable length array field, allowing efficient random access to the main table.

Variable length arrays are logically equivalent to regular static arrays, the only differences being 1) the length of the stored array can differ for different records, and 2) the array data is not stored directly in the table records. Since a field of any datatype can be a static array, a field of any datatype can also be a variable length array (excluding type P, the variable length array descriptor itself, which is not a datatype so much as a storage class specifier). Conventions such  as TDIMn (see Appendix B.2) apply equally to both variable length and static arrays.

A variable length array is declared in the table header with a special field datatype specifier of the form


where the ``P'' indicates the amount of space occupied by the array descriptor  in the data record (64 bits), the element count r should be 0, 1, or absent, t is a character denoting the datatype of the array data (L, X, B, I, J, etc., but not P), and emax is a quantity guaranteed to be equal to or greater than the maximum number of elements of type t actually stored in a table record. There is no built-in upper limit on the size of a stored array; emax merely reflects the size of the largest array actually stored in the table, and is provided to avoid the need to preview the table when, for example, reading a table containing variable length elements into a database that supports only fixed size arrays. There may be additional characters in the TFORMn keyword following  the emax.

For example,

TFORM8 = 'PB(1800)' / Variable byte array

indicates that field 8 of the table is a variable length array of type byte, with a maximum stored array length not to exceed 1800 array elements (bytes in this case).

The data for the variable length arrays in a table is not stored in the actual data records; it is stored in a special data area, the heap , following the last fixed size data record. What is stored in the data record is an array descriptor. This consists of two 32-bit integer values: the number of elements (array length) of the stored array, followed by the zero-indexed byte offset of the first element of the array, measured from the start of the heap area. Storage for the array is contiguous. The array descriptor for field N as it would appear embedded in a data record is illustrated symbolically below:

...[field N-1][(nelem,offset)][field N+1]...

If the stored array length is zero there is no array data, and the offset  value is undefined (it should be set to zero). The storage referenced by an array descriptor must lie entirely within the heap area; negative offsets are not permitted.

A binary table containing variable length arrays consists of three principal segments, as follows:

[table_header] [record_storage_area] [heap_area]

The table header consists of one or more 2880-byte FITS logical records with the last record indicated by the  keyword END somewhere in the record. The record storage area begins with the next 2880-byte logical record following the last header record and is NAXIS × NAXIS2 bytes in length. The  zero  indexed byte offset of the heap measured from the start of the record storage area is given by the THEAP keyword  in the header. If this keyword is missing the heap is assumed to begin with the byte immediately following the last data record, otherwise there may be a gap between the last stored record and the start of the heap. If there is no gap the value of the heap offset is NAXIS × NAXIS2. The total length in bytes of the heap area following the last stored record (gap plus heap) is given by the PCOUNT keyword  in the table header.

For example, suppose we have a table containing 5 rows each 168 byte records, with a heap area 2880 bytes long, beginning at an offset of 2880, thereby aligning the record storage and heap areas on FITS record boundaries (this alignment is not necessarily recommended but is useful for our example). The data portion of the table consists of 2 2880-byte FITS records, 840 bytes of which are used by the 5 table records, hence PCOUNT is 2 × 2880 - 840, or 4920 bytes; this is expressed in the table header as:

NAXIS1  =    168 / Width of table row in bytes
NAXIS2  =      5 / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =   4920 / Random parameter count
THEAP   =   2880 / Byte offset of heap area

The values  of TSCALn and TZEROn for  variable length array column entries are to be applied to the values in the data array in the heap area, not the values of the array descriptor. These keywords can be used to scale data values in either static or variable length arrays.

While the above description is sufficient to define the required features of the variable length array implementation, some hints regarding usage of the variable length array facility may also be useful.

Programs which read binary tables should take care to not assume more about the physical layout of the table than is required by the specification. For example, there are no requirements on the alignment of data within the heap. If efficient runtime access is a concern one may want to design the table so that data arrays are aligned to the size of an array element. In another case one might want to minimize storage and forgo any efforts at alignment (by careful design it is often possible to achieve both goals). Variable array data may be stored in the heap in any order, i.e., the data for record N+1 is not necessarily stored at a larger offset than that for record N. There may be gaps in the heap where no data is stored. Pointer aliasing is permitted, i.e., the array descriptors for two or more arrays may point to the same storage location (this could be used to save storage if two or more arrays are identical).

Byte arrays are a special case because they can be used to store a ``typeless'' data sequence. Since FITS is a machine-independent storage format, some form of machine-specific data conversion (byte swapping, floating point format conversion) is implied when accessing stored data with types such as integer and floating, but byte arrays are copied to and from external storage without any form of conversion.

An important feature of variable length arrays is that it is possible that the stored array length may be zero. This makes it possible to have a column of the table for which, typically, no data is present in each stored record. When data is present the stored array can be as large as necessary. This can be useful when storing complex objects as records in a table.

Accessing a binary table stored on a random access storage medium is straightforward. Since the data records in the main table are fixed in size they may be randomly accessed given the record number, by computing the offset. Once the record has been read in, any variable length array data may be directly accessed using the element count and offset given by the array descriptor stored in the data record.

Reading a binary table stored on a sequential access storage medium requires that a table of array descriptors  be built up as the main table records are read in. Once all the table records have been read, the array descriptors are sorted by the offset of the array data in the heap . As the heap data is read, arrays are extracted sequentially from the heap and stored in the affected records using the back pointers to the record and field from the table of array descriptors. Since array aliasing is permitted, it may be necessary to store a given array in more than one field or record.

Variable length arrays  are more complicated than  regular static arrays and imply an extra data access per array to fetch all the data for a record. For this reason, it is recommended that regular static arrays be used instead of variable length arrays unless efficiency or other considerations require the use of a variable array.

This facility is still undergoing trials and is not part of the basic binary table definition.

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