About EUVE Archive Pointed Data

The Guest Observer (GO) Program, which is the pointed phase of the EUVE mission, began about seven months after launch, in January 1993, and is in its fourth year. The spectrometer is used for GO observations, calibration, and targets of opportunity. The EUVE Spectrometers sample the wavelength range from 70-760 Å in three channels ("short", "medium", and "long"). In addition, the Deep Survey imaging channel, which is coaligned with the Spectrometer, provides positional and flux information on observed targets.

The data rights policy for GO observations states that GOs have proprietary rights to the data for six months from the date (s)he receives it. It is often the case that long observations are broken up over many months; e.g., an observation approved for 60 ksec may actually be observed for 10 ksec one month, 20 ksec the next and 30 ksec three months later. In such cases the six month proprietary period begins after the GO receives the final piece of the completed observation.

The 1-d spectra of all the public pointed-spectroscopy data sets can be accessed on-line with the Archive's WWW Spectral Browser. After browsing data products, users may make on-line requests to receive public data.

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Last modified 10/6/97